Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving prayer

Happy Thanksgiving! Today’s blog will mostly be the words of my dad.  For several years, part of Dad’s ministry as a Christian radio announcer was his afternoon prayer time.  I remember that he received numerous compliments regarding his prayer time.  I often expressed my appreciation for it as well.  His prayers were sincere, genuine, powerful, and riveting.  It is for this reason that I am so happy to be able to present to you a prayer from my dad that I have in my possession.  

Here now are the words of Jerry Bauer, the man I got to call my father:

“Father, we come into Your throne room today with praise and appreciation on this Thanksgiving Day.

At this time of the year when we give thanks, we thank You, Lord, for the tremendous blessings that You have poured out on this country.  We thank You for our forefathers who determined that our nation would be “under God.”  We pause and give thanks to You today, just like our early countrymen did so many years ago.

We pray a special prayer for America.  We pray that she would repent and turn from her ways and that she, once again, would indeed be a nation “under God.”

Father, we cannot get to each individual request today, but we lift up those people who need prayer this afternoon.  Physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial hurts and needs are all around us.  We pray that You would be near and dear to those hurting today, that You would lift their burdens.  Fill their hearts with joy today as they remember what Your Son has provided for us.  We pray for hope, Lord, for hurting people – true hope – which only comes from You.

Lord, thank You for the privilege of coming to You and laying down our burdens; and for the privilege of praising You with our lips.  Help us to thank You and praise You with our lives lifted up to You.  Father, for what You do through our lives, we humbly thank You.  As families and friends gather, we pray that they will indeed praise You, from whom all blessings flow.

It’s in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen.”

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