Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Contemplating a woman of faith on a special day

Way back in 2004, I heard a sermon where the pastor spoke of trusting God when your world falls apart.  I always found it a relevant sermon, but it became even more relevant in 2015; the Bauer family was driven into an unexpected and turbulent storm when my dad passed away.

Today is my mother’s birthday!  To contemplate the life of Rose Mary Bauer one can’t help but think about my dad and the praiseworthy marriage he and Mom shared.  My parents were married for almost 41 years.  But it wasn’t simply a matter of a long length of days.  Mom and Dad had an abiding love for each other; a steadfast bond; and an unwavering faithfulness to each other that only grew deeper as the years went on.  Then, in 2015, Mom’s world fell apart.  Dad went home to be with the Lord much sooner than any of us would have ever predicted.

I can remember the words from the pastor in that 2004 sermon clearly: “When your world falls apart, are you going to continue to trust God?”  Mom has done so.  She has persevered.  My mom’s faith in God – in the midst of the most violent storm of her life – is the only thing that has sustained her to this point.  Her strong faith in a trustworthy God is her lifeline.

It’s easy to talk the talk.  As Coach Mike Shanahan used to say, “Talk is cheap.”  One can talk about trusting in God, but to live it out as my mom has for these difficult days is commendable.  I would submit to you that Mom’s example of faith and trust in the Lord is an inspiration to those in her sphere of influence.  It certainly is for me.

Happy Birthday, Mom!


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