Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Forever in my heart

I’ve been thinking about a specific scene from the TV show “When Calls the Heart” of late.  A little boy named Cody, probably 8 years old or so, begins acting out of character.  He is angry, getting in fights, and ditching homework.  But Jack Thornton knows what is provoking the errant behavior.  Jack and Cody share a poignant talk.  

“You’re upset because you miss your dad,” Jack states. “That’s why you’re getting into fights; that’s why you won’t finish your essay.  Because it hurts to think about him.  It hurts to be alone.  It hurts to not have the people you love to tell you it’s going to be OK.”  “You don’t know anything,” Cody replies.  “Yeah, I do," Jack answers.  "Because I lost my dad, too.”  At this point, Cody finally begins to listen.

“It feels like someone took something from you,” Jack continues.  “Like there’s a giant hole inside of you.  But one day, that feeling that you’re feeling right now is going to go away, I promise.  But just because your parents aren’t here doesn’t mean they’re not with you.  You’ve got them right in here,” pointing to the boy’s heart, “every moment of every day.”  The two share an embrace.  Apparently, these writers know something about personal loss; take it from someone who knows, Jack’s words ring true. 

Even though my dad is in eternal paradise with God in Heaven, today is still his birthday.  Dad loved to take pictures.  So I want to present a few pictures that capture his life.  

Dad at the radio station - in 1973

Dad lived out the vow "til death do us part"

Love this one.  Dad with my Grandpa (and DeJean the dog)

A bit blurry, but I love it.  Father's Day, 2011.  Dad with my brother and me, and my niece, Anna

Dad expressing his faith in God by praying - his on-air prayers were always memorable

Dad took thousands of photos of God's creation - I love this one!

Jerry Bauer - my dad - will always be with me, in my heart

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