Friday, September 1, 2017

John 15:5 revisited

In John 15:5 Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit.”  A branch can’t survive when left to itself; it needs to be in connection with the vine.  Jesus is declaring that He is the vine; He is the One that will provide the life, vitality, and sustenance that is needed.  It’s a striking metaphor.  Context is also helpful; a few verses earlier, Jesus stated, in no uncertain terms, “I am the true vine” (verse 1).  What a statement!  Only Jesus can truthfully say that He is the “true vine” because Jesus is the God of the universe in human flesh (Colossians 1:19).

Furthermore, consider this: For Jesus to proclaim that He is the true vine also implies that there are other competing vines that assert that they will provide us with real life, when in reality, they cannot do so.  I’ve been thinking of some of these artificial vines.  There are hundreds of examples, but let me list a few.

For example, some abide in the vine unrestrained sexual expression.  I’m a man who is a virgin in his thirties, so I know very well that we live in a “just do it” world.  Today’s sexually drenched society says not to restrain yourself when it comes to sexual desire.  If a man desires a woman sexually, and she desires him, they should simply jump into bed together, even if it’s just a “one night stand” (to say nothing of the inevitable consequences of such a choice).  But, the truth is, this kind of lifestyle will ultimately leave you feeling empty, unfulfilled, and miserable.

Please don’t misunderstand me on this one.  I’m not saying that sex is dirty or wrong.  Far from it.  I’ll never forget the analogy I read when I was a teenager.  The author likened sex to a fire.  When it is used properly, the writer explained, fire is a source of warmth, comfort, and security; however when it goes out of bounds, it becomes a source of destruction that can obliterate an entire forest.  Many today who have ruined their life through abiding in the vine of unrestrained sexual expression would attest to the truthfulness of that illustration.
But make no mistake about it, God Himself created sex.  As the author of such an incredible gift, He knows – and repeatedly advocates in His Word – that sex is best in the confines of marriage (see Hebrews 13:4 for one example).  Someone may want to ask, “Why so many rules?  Why can’t we live without them?”  Rob Petrie, in an episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” put it so well when he said, “Marriage, like a lot of other things, has boundaries.  To some guys those boundaries represent walls and that makes marriage a prison to them.  But to other guys, those boundaries hold everything that is good and fun in life.”  And, of course, his words apply to both men and women.
Secondly, some people abide in the vine of sports.  I recently saw a commercial that was advertising an upcoming preseason football game for the Denver Broncos that illustrates this.  This declaration was made: “We don’t just cheer for the Broncos; we live for the Broncos.”  Well, I hate to have to break it to you, but if you “live” for the Broncos (or any team for that matter) you will ultimately be disappointed.  You are not hearing me say that it is wrong to watch sports.  In its proper place, sports can be delightful.  I certainly look forward to the upcoming NFL season.  But if you make it more than it’s supposed to be, you will discover that it is an imitation vine that is incapable of providing nutrition to the branch.

I could go on.  I could mention climbing the corporate ladder; achieving college degrees; the accomplishing of dreams; even the gift and sanctity of marriage.  These are all wonderful things, but they will not – and indeed cannot – give life.  Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, the lover of your soul, said “I am the true vine” (John 15:1).  He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit” (verse 5).  If you’ve been clinging to an artificial, imitation vine, I invite you to abide in Jesus instead.  He will fill you up; He will provide you with the nourishment, life, and sustenance you need.  That’s exactly what He did for me.


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