Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Remembering Billy Graham

In 1987, my parents and I went to an event at the old Mile High stadium in Denver.  The speaker spoke with zeal, clarity, and power.  He spoke of Jesus Christ’s atonement on the cross for mankind’s repugnant sin.  There was an opportunity to respond to his talk by coming to the stage and, by faith, choosing to accept Christ’s work.  I was only a little boy, but I knew that I was hearing the truth, and I spoke up to my parents and declared that I needed to go forward and put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Many of you already know this story, as I’ve relayed it several times; the speaker that day was Billy Graham.  Mr. Graham passed away this morning at age 99.  When I heard the news, I was overcome with tears, because I am so grateful for this man.  I am who I am today because he shared the truth of the gospel – God’s good news – with me.  His influence is a part of my spiritual heritage.

Yes, I’m well aware that only God can illuminate the heart.  Unless or until God’s Spirit oils the words of the speaker they won’t do any good; God Himself draws men and women to Himself.  I’m not ignorant of this fact.  But, humanly speaking, the man God used to bring me into a right relationship with Him was Billy Graham.  Millions of other people can say the same thing because of his extensive ministry.  He was a tool in the Lord’s hand for many decades.

I want to express my condolences to Franklin and the rest of the Graham family.  I know what it’s like to lose a dad.  Even though my own father was 60 and Mr. Graham was 99, you’re never ready to be without the guidance and influence of a father.  May the Graham family be comforted with the realization that millions of people are praying for them, and they are also grieving right along with them, myself included.

I could go on and on.  I could speak of Billy Graham’s humility, his faithfulness in marriage, his faithfulness to God’s call on his life, and all of those things should be emphasized – and surely they will in the coming days.  But I want to conclude with the hope of Heaven.  In God’s providence, I was in the process of composing a blog that ended with this very topic.  I will use part of that paragraph now.  There is life after death.  There is an after-life, if you want to use that term.  This isn’t just wishful thinking; this is bedrock truth from the Bible.  Billy Graham was welcomed to Heaven because of his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who took the sin of humanity on Himself.


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