Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Super Bowl 52 reaction (part 2)

I want to say a few words about the Lombardi presentation and MVP ceremony, after the Super Bowl.  It began with the Philadelphia Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie’s comments.  At one point, he said, “I’d like to dedicate this to all the Eagles fans around the world; and also…for my mom and my dad, who meant, who mean the world to me.”  These words are even more potent when you learn that Jeffrey’s father passed away when he was a boy (I think I read that he was 9 years old), but he and his dad shared a deep love for the game of football.  Upon reading this, my heart instantly resonated with Lurie’s words and perspective.

I couldn’t find any information on Lurie’s mother.  But based on how he had trouble deciding on whether to speak in past tense language or present tense I can only presume that his mom is still alive to enjoy this victory with her son.  It was a special thought that you don’t often hear in a Super Bowl postgame show.

Next up was Coach Doug Pederson’s remarks.  The second question he was asked was, “How do you explain this: 9 years ago, you’re coaching in High School, and here you are with this trophy?”  Pederson’s answer: “I can only give the praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for giving me this opportunity.”  A few minutes later, they brought Zach Ertz up next, who scored the game-winning touchdown.  Quickly in the interview, Ertz said, “Glory to God, first and foremost.  We wouldn’t be here without Him.”  Nick Foles, the game’s MVP, when given his time to speak, among his other comments also declared, “All glory to God.” 

I have to give props to Doug Pederson, Zach Ertz, and Nick Foles.  On the biggest stage in sports – perhaps the biggest platform they will ever have in their lives – they acknowledged their faith in God.  They each sent the watching world a message: there is more to life than just football.  Rebecca St. James once sang these words: “Life holds new meaning when God becomes the center of it all.”


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