Monday, November 19, 2018

An immense blessing to contemplate this Thanksgiving season

I recently came across an article that my mother, Rose Mary, wrote a few years back that describes my healing as an infant.  I’ve shared the story in this blog before, but never with my mom’s pen.  I’m not going to share the entire document with you (it is five pages), but here we go:

“This is a story of a miracle, a miracle of God, a story of supernatural healing. 

Life was normal and going as expected.  I had had a couple of miscarriages before my pregnancy with our first baby.  The pregnancy was uneventful and everything was okay when I went into the hospital in labor on the morning of June 29, 1981 for the birth of our baby.  We named our baby boy, Kevin.  Little did we know at that time what his name meant, but he would live out the meaning of his name, gentle and kind.

Flash forward 4 1/2 months.  I was sitting Kevin in his stroller one morning and letting him look out the patio window.  He enjoyed that.  All of a sudden, I saw a particular movement.  His eyes went up and into the back of his head and his little arms jerked up, it lasted not more than 30 seconds.  I thought nothing of it.  I grew up in a large family and I should have known that this wasn’t a normal baby thing to do, but it wasn’t until Jerry, my husband, saw this little motion that he knew and told me this was not right.

We had little knowledge and were very unprepared for what happened over the course of the next 5 1/2 months.  After much testing…doctors finally came up with Infantile Spasms as the diagnosis of what Kevin had.  This is a disease in the epilepsy family, which effects only infants and carries over into adulthood.

Early on, I received a message, a compulsion, from God, not to be especially concerned about everything, tests, doctors, new information, etc. going on around me.  I felt like God was telling me that Kevin would not be sick forever.
[Months later,] We got to the hospital…tests were run…Finally, the doctors were coming back after midnight when something very unusual happened: Kevin started to turn blue and the heart machine was flat lining…After maybe three minutes, the heart machine started making a pattern again.  Kevin started getting his color back.  A week later the EEG confirmed what we already knew, Kevin was well with a normal and healthy EEG for the first time in 5 1/2 months.

To this day, Kevin has never had another spasm (seizure)!  Praise God!  And again I say, praise God!  Up to that time, April 24, 1982 over 8,000 babies had been diagnosed with Infantile Spasms, from the four-state regional hospital, Children's Hospital.  Kevin Bauer was the very first one to ever get over this disease!

Since Dr. Minarcek, Kevin's neurologist, moved away to New York City, we received his files about Kevin, and that is all that remains today of his disease.  There are no left over side effects from any of the medicines, there was no delay in development, and absolutely no signs that he had Infantile Spasms exist today.

April 24th was the last day that Kevin had any spasms.  This day is really more important than Kevin's birthday.  Kevin's birthdays would not have been very special without this very special day of healing that God had for him. This was a huge miracle in our lives and a huge miracle for the doctors to witness…Like the miracles that Jesus did in the gospels, God showed His powers to be great and the final authority in this time and space in which we live.”

I don’t think it was a coincidence that this invaluable document was rediscovered in the week leading up to Thanksgiving.  It is an episode that causes gratitude and praise to God.  The One, as the old hymn says, from Whom all blessings flow.


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