Tuesday, November 13, 2018

"Forgiven when Mercy walked in"

I am still planning that blog on good works that I’ve previously mentioned, but Thanksgiving is in the air. In the spirit of this wonderful holiday, I wanted to focus on something that I am so thankful for: my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
For those who haven’t heard my testimony, let me give it quickly.  Back in 1987 I was at a Billy Graham Crusade at the old Mile High stadium in Denver, Colorado.  Mr. Graham spoke of mankind’s rebellion and sin against God; he proclaimed that humanity cannot be in a right relationship with God unless He accepts that Jesus Christ, the perfect God-man, shed His blood on the cross of Calvary as payment for sin.  I was just a boy of 6, but during Mr. Graham’s invitation to receive Christ as Lord and Savior, I told my parents that I needed to go forward and put my faith in Jesus.  The Gospel is so simple even a child can understand it.  This was one of the defining moments of my life; one that I have never regretted.

I love music.  Gordon Mote has written a song that makes me emotional every time I hear it.  Before I share it with you, let me give a brief biography of this fascinating musician: “By any definition, Gordon is one of today’s most respected talents; in large part because of his musical and spiritual heritage.  He’s never forgotten to tell people along the way where he’s come from…Blind since birth, Mote’s faith provides the foundation for his life, and constantly fuels his creative spirit.  When he was just three, Gordon surprised his family on Thanksgiving by sitting down at the piano and miraculously playing “Jesus Loves Me” with both hands.  “I was just passionate about music,” states the Attalla, Alabama native…I listened to every album I could get my hands on growing up.  As kids, my brother (who is also blind) and I traveled and sang in churches of all sizes.” (Sourcehttp://www.gordonmote.com/bio.html)

The aforementioned song is entitled Mercy Walked In and the lyrics are as follows: “I stood in the courtroom, the judge turned my way; “Looks like you’re guilty, now what do you say?”  I spoke up, “Your honor, I have no defense.”  But that’s when Mercy walked in.  [Chorus] Mercy walked in and pleaded my case; called to the stand God’s saving grace.  The blood was presented that covered my sin; forgiven when Mercy walked in.  I stood there and wondered how could this be?  That someone so guilty had just been set free.  My chains were broken, I felt born again, the moment that Mercy walked in.  [Repeat chorus] The blood was presented that covered my sin, forgiven when Mercy walked in.” (You can see a live rendition of Mote performing this song here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShVKTFS4CSs

The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation [one translation renders it “atoning sacrifice”] by His blood, to be received by faith.”  Life with God is an incredible adventure.  This begins with accepting, by faith, God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  If you’ve already taken this step, stop and thank God for His gift of salvation.  If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so.


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