Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Celebrating an important part of my story

It’s interesting to watch a parent with their young child; when someone gives them a gift, they ask their son or daughter, “Now, what do you say?”  And the expected response is a “thank you.”  In time, the hope is that the habit forms in the child’s life and when they are given a present, they respond with a genuine statement of thanks.  But more than this, the parent hopes that the child will learn how important it is to have gratitude.  This day I want to express my deep gratitude and thankfulness to my Heavenly Father for the gift of life.

If you don’t know the story, it was on this day, back in 1982, when I was healed from a ruthless and terrible disease.  I was only a baby at the time, but it looked as if I wasn’t going to live to celebrate my first birthday.  But God, in His mercy, grace, and kindness chose to give me the gift of life.  He chose to completely heal me from the disease.  God gave me, to quote from the song my parents wrote about the event, “a future, to walk, talk and run.”  This amazing occurrence is an important part of my life story.  Today, I just wanted to stop and publicly thank the Lord.

To aid me in this, I want to quote from Rebecca St. James’ song I thank You.  She sings, “There was a time when I felt alone and afraid, but You came close to me and I’m forever changed…I thank You; You’ve given me Your all, and I will never be alone.  I thank You; You never stopped loving me…Your love is so amazing; beyond compare.  And now I can’t imagine life without You there.  For You have healed my spirit; I’m resting in Your loving care.  Something stirred inside me; something I just can’t deny.  For you have healed my spirit; Your mercy has restored my life.”

Time seems to move so quickly.  I’m almost 38 years old now.  I am passionate about using my days to point others to an amazing God.  He alone deserves all the honor, glory, and praise, not me.  It’s not about me; it’s all about Him.  If you want to read an enjoyable book, I commend Chris Tomlin’s book The Way I was Made to you.  In the beginning chapter, he writes, “You were made for more than this world sells.  All this world has to offer – no matter how appealing it is at the time – is temporary.  It leaves us still hungry, wanting more, because we were made for something greater.  We were created to shine the spotlight on God – to spread the fame of God everywhere we go.”  Amen and amen!


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