Sunday, May 12, 2019

Musings on honoring Mom and Dad (part 2)

One of the voices that I feel our culture and society is missing today is the voice of Fred Rogers (better known as Mr. Rogers).  When he passed away in 2003, he left a void that, sadly, I don’t think anyone else can ever fill again. I’m fortunate to have recently found the book The World according to Mister Rogers.  It is filled with insightful quotes from Fred.  One quote is particularly relevant for Mother Day’s.  He once said, “To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

I do love, honor, accept, and value my mother, Rose Mary.  We have always had a close relationship, but as we lived through the intense ordeal of my dad’s death, it drew us even closer together.  I honestly cannot imagine my life without her in it.  My dad was a skilled photographer; he left behind thousands of pictures.  Because of this, I am able to share pictures like these with you:

First Mother's Day - 1982

Mom with her boys - 1988

Here we are several years later - 2012
Dad usually took the pictures; he was posing in this one
Rose Mary Bauer
One wonderful Mom

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!  I love you.


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