Friday, August 14, 2020

Thoughts on a deferred hope (part 3)

 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life” – Proverbs 13:12

Today is the conclusion of the blog series on Proverbs 13:12.  I wanted to remind you that this subject matter has been personal and applicable to me.  In fact, I’ve tried to emphasize that God has primarily been working on me with this content.  I hope it has been as beneficial for you as it has been for me!  Let us proceed.

#3: A hope deferred is an opportunity to trust God 

I’m sure a question has been plaguing you for two blogs now.  What if that hope is deferred forever?  What if marriage is never going to be on the table?  What if the healing never comes?  What if that dream of a newborn baby is never realized?  What if this covid-19 craziness lingers on for months or years?  I never want anything I write here to come across as detached or uncaring.  But particularly today I want to emphasize that I answer this with compassion and empathy for the personal pain you may be feeling today.

The fact is I don’t know what will happen regarding your deferred aspirations (or mine for that matter).  However, I do know this: unmet dreams are acute opportunities to demonstrate trust in God; and the truth that His way is always the best way.  The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).  Not that this is always easy.  I recently read a sermon from a pastor that was transcribed online.  I was blessed by his words.  At one point, he stated,

“So here is what I want to challenge you to do in this season of suffering, be it today or some time down the road; I want you to declare your trust in God.  Here’s what that means: that every day…you can be dead level honest with your heavenly Father and say… “I have to pick up the pieces of this dream; I’m not really excited about what’s going on here.  But at the end of the day…I still trust you.  I’m not happy; in fact, I’m very, very sad.  But…above everything else, I declare my trust in you.”  When you do that, it’s one of the most significant moments of worship you will ever give your heavenly Father.”  (Page 3 from -

One of the things that I want to be a part of my legacy when I’m home in Heaven is I trusted in God’s will and plan for my life, no matter what.  But, once again, this isn’t always easy.  I’ve often found my plans and dreams don’t line up with what God intends for my life.  Proverbs 16:9 is so true: “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

Therefore, I want to conclude this blog series with a small portion of lyrics from the excellent song “Even if” by the group Kutless.  This is my heart’s cry, and perhaps it is for you as well: “Even if the healing doesn’t come; and life falls apart; and dreams are still undone; You are God, you are good, forever faithful One.  Even if the healing, even if the healing doesn’t come.  Lord, we know Your ways are not our ways.  So we set our faith in who You are…You’re still the great and mighty One, we trust you always.  You’re working all things for our good; we’ll sing Your praise.”


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