Saturday, August 8, 2020

Thoughts on a hope deferred (part 2)

 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life” – Proverbs 13:12

Previously, I began sharing some of my thoughts on Proverbs 13:12; a verse that could actually be considered rather depressing.  “A longing fulfilled” might very well be “a tree of life” but too often, I tend to focus on my hopes or dreams yet unfulfilled.   Perhaps you can relate.  Let’s dive in again, and continue on.

#2: A hope deferred is suffering

As I was putting this content together, I came across the story of the “hope deferred” in the life of the Smallbone family.  It blessed me, and I hope it does the same for you.  In 2012, Luke Smallbone (of the Christian group For King and Country) was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a life-threatening and debilitating disease.  Soon he had to stop touring and focus on recovery.  He was, as Luke himself puts it, “bed-ridden and being take care of like a child.”

The Smallbone family dealt with this for several years.  Courtney Smallbone, Luke’s wife, is the one who took care of Luke during this time.  She is vocal and transparent about her emotions during this time.  She states candidly that she was angry at God for not healing Luke.  She knew that God certainly could have instantly healed him, yet it wasn’t coming.  My guess is if someone had quoted Proverbs 13:12 to her during this season, she might have burst into tears!  

Luke shares how during one particular night he cried out to God in desperation.  He relays it in this way, “I was in such desperate need of comfort.  As God has a way of doing, He turned that moment into a moment I will never forget.  I felt Him say, ‘Luke, no matter how dark things might be today, no matter how difficult things might become, no matter what you’ll face in life, there is always hope in me.’”  (Information from  I confess even if no one else needed this reminder of the message of hope in God today, I did!

Finally, in 2017; a 5-year journey, Luke and Courtney heard what Courtney calls “The R word – remission!”  Today, Luke is healthy.  As was stated before, Courtney shares how initially, she was angry at God, but the Lord began to change her heart and attitude.  Ultimately, she had this to say about the entire horrific ordeal:

“I’m thankful that the Lord chose this way to heal him.  Because it healed a lot more than just healing his body; it healed a lot of emotions.  It strengthened our marriage.  It strengthened our family.  It touched many lives.  So He had a bigger plan.”  (Incidentally, I wish I could share more of Courtney’s words with you.  They impacted me.  But you can hear her thoughts from this you tube video:

To conclude, initially, I was just going hit and run on this point and move on.  But God seemed to have other plans for the blog today.  God willing, I will continue with the third point next time.  I was also gripped with the prospect that someone reading this is reeling from your painful reality.  Maybe – like the Smallbone family was – you are longing for physical healing.  Or maybe you’re struggling with infertility, or a miscarriage.  I don’t know the specifics of the intense pain of your story, but God does.  He loves you, and He is with you every step of the way.


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