Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Celebrating the example and ministry of Carman

John Diggle, on the TV show “Arrow”, in the midst of deep grief over losing a friend, once remarked: “The world seems as little less bright without him in it.”  I feel the same way when I reflect on the recent death of Christian musician Carman Licciardello, better known as simply Carman.  Last week, he passed away from complications of hernia surgery.  He was just 65.  

While I did not get the chance to meet Carman personally, I have still been in mourning since I heard the news.  I’ve been blessed by his vocation in Christian music since I was a teenager.  I know the immense talent that Carman had, and the unique style he had that no one else could ever duplicate.  He was one of a kind.  But he used his creativity to point others to the Lord.  Yes, the world does indeed feel a little less bright today.

As I’ve absorbed the news of the loss of Carman, countless songs he wrote and performed have been playing in my head.  I could go on and on with amazing songs that powerfully capture the love of God, and His gospel.  But consider this song from his “R.I.O.T. (Righteous Invasion of Truth)” album.

In a track titled “Not 4 Sale”, he describes how the devil “came to my house” and “knocked on my door.”  The devil said, “You are quite a talent, the making of a star, and with a little help from me, you really could go far.”  The evil one goes on to say that he will help him, just so long as he never mentions the name of Jesus.  “You can do something positive, but just don’t misbehave, like using your notoriety to get someone saved.”  Carman’s response: “I have been bought with a price when Jesus hung on that tree; my life is not my own, I’ll never follow your lead…so get thee behind me, Satan, I’m not for sale.”  This song captures Carman’s heart, creativity, and life mission. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that, for decades, Carman was a bachelor.  One article I read states that in 2015, fans asked him why he hadn’t settled down, he said he’d “rather want something I don’t have than have something I don’t want…when the right one surfaces and it’s the right time I’ll do it.”  The right one was a woman named Dana, whom he married in 2017 (information can be found at this link https://www.thefocus.news/music/carman-licciardello-wife/).  I find myself inspired by Carman’s willingness to choose God’s plan over cultural expectation.

Carman’s songs were often more like cinematic events than traditional music.  Perhaps nowhere was this more evident than in a track from his “Addicted to Jesus” album, titled “The Third Heaven”.  Here he creatively depicts dying and going to Heaven!  I wish I could share much more of this song, but let me just hit the high points.

It began in the Emergency Room, with doctors and nurses trying to resuscitate him as death neared.  After a few minutes, we hear, “He’s not going to make it.  We’ve lost him.”  He goes on to describe the beauty of Heaven.  Eventually, he sees the face of Jesus, in all His glory.  But the Lord tells him that many are grieved by his death, and He is willing to send him back.  Carman’s reply is so helpful to those of us who have lost a cherished one who is now in the bliss of Heaven. 

He says, “Lord, if my loved ones only knew the limitless wonders of Heaven; if they could steal but one brief glimpse of glory, I know what they would do, because they loved me.  They’d never ask that I return to the confines of my human body.  Lord, I can’t go back.  Please let me stay with You.”  The scene ends with him worshipping the Lord. 

In conclusion, Carman sang a beautiful song in the track “Serve the Lord” in a best of CD collection.  He sings, “By the grace of God, I will serve the Lord.”  But by the song’s end, he sings, “I believe I’m not alone with my faith in Jesus Christ; that is why all the more we will serve Him” (italics added for emphasis).  Carman may be enjoying his rewards in Heaven now, but his example will continue to inspire others to serve the Lord, and to speak boldly for Him.  May it start right here with me! 


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