Thursday, June 24, 2021

The final countdown

While I’m anxious to return to contemplating Daniel and his friends in Daniel 1, I want to post something else today. I do so because it is the final countdown. I am entering the final week of my thirties; soon I turn the big four-oh. 

In 2014, the CW TV show “The Flash” debuted (it may seem strange that I’m bringing this up now, but stay with me). I’ve seen every episode and have very much enjoyed it over these years. In the 3rd season of the show, Barry Allen – the main star, played brilliantly by Grant Gustin – sang a beautiful song to the love of his life, Iris West. After the song, Barry proposed, and she said “yes”! 

I want to focus on one line in particular that Barry sang to Iris. Melodiously, he stated, “This world can race by far too fast; hard to see when it’s all flying past.” I resonate with that. Here I am a few days away from 40 years old. Wow, times flies. Interestingly, in the months leading up to this event, I have endured various health challenges that I never envisioned I would face. These are episodes that the God of the universe, in His sovereign wisdom, allowed into my life. 

No matter what craziness I have faced in my life, through it all, God has been faithful. A helpful article from got states, “Many places in Scripture extol the faithfulness of God. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. So, what is faithfulness? 

The Hebrew word translated “faithfulness” means “steadfastness, firmness, fidelity.” The opposite of being faithful is to be ever-changing or wishy-washy. Psalm 119:89-90 says, “Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations.”” 

Later on in the same article, the author writes, “We can trust that God will be true to Himself. He will never cease acting like God. He will never cease being sovereign, being holy, or being good (1 Timothy 6:15; 1 Peter 1:16). We learn through our own history that God has never failed us, either. One command God gave the Israelites was: “Remember” (Deuteronomy 8:2; Isaiah 46:9). When they remembered all God had done for them, they could more easily trust Him for the future. We need to intentionally remember all the ways God has provided for us and delivered us in the past.” An “amen” here wouldn’t be out of place! (Source

In conclusion, I recently saw this sentiment on the back of a cell phone of all places: “When words fail, music speaks.” In light of how powerful music is, I want to end with a song of praise to God.  Here is a small sampling of an excellent song from Thrive Worship titled “A Thousand More”; “Who could measure what You’re worth? Who could fathom what You’ve done? I could write a thousand songs and never capture Heaven’s love. And O praise the Lord, the Holy One. And O praise the King of perfect love. A thousand times my soul will sing ‘hallelujah’, yet I will sing a thousand more. 

Who could heal the hardest heart? Who can hear the softest prayer? I could run a thousand miles, and still I know You’d find me there. And O praise the Lord, the Holy One. And O praise the King of perfect love. A thousand times my soul will sing ‘hallelujah’, yet I will sing a thousand more.” 


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