Sunday, June 19, 2022

Honoring my dad - Father's Day, 2022

I recently got a shirt that I just love.  On the front it simply says, “It’s not about me” and then on the back it states, “It’s all about Him.”  It goes on to declare things like “washed in His blood” and “saved by His sacrifice.”  I got this shirt for many reasons; the biggest reason being this is one of my guiding principles.  But another reason is to honor godly men who lived out this maxim.

One such man is my father, Jerry Bauer.  Here is a picture of him:

On Father’s Day, I wanted to say a few words about him.  My dad’s life proclaimed, “It’s not about me; it’s all about Him.”  He didn’t talk it; he just lived it.  Even though my dad has been in Heaven for 7 years now, in a sense, he is always with me because I carry his example with me forever.

My dad was a man of humility.  On his 60th birthday celebration (which turned out to be his last birthday on Earth before his unexpected home-going to Heaven), I had the glorious opportunity to share with my dad an instance of how his humility impacted me.  I don’t recall the exact details, but it was a few years before the birthday celebration.  We were at family event, and everyone wanted to heap praise on him over something admirable that Dad had done.  He stopped the praise-fest and he simply said, “I give God the glory for that.”  After I concluded my recollection, I told my dad that I loved and appreciated him.  I'm so grateful to have this memory!

Last time, I quoted from another great man, Pastor Rick Ferguson, who also went home to be with the Lord sooner than anyone would have anticipated.  At one point in his book, “The Servant Principle” Rick spoke about how, in John 13, Jesus shocked everyone by washing his disciples’ dirty feet – a task that was reserved for the household slave.  Rick went on to write,

“Jesus didn’t make a big deal about what he was getting ready to do when he washed his disciples’ feet.  He gave no fanfare or announcement, saying: “Men, may I have your attention please?  I am about to demonstrate to you what real humility is all about.  Watch my humility as I humbly perform this menial task to each of you who think you are so important.”  Some people today can be so proud about how humble they can be.  These are the type of people who wish they could write a book entitled My humility and how I got it!  Jesus never worked this way.”  My dad had a quiet, genuine humility, and I want to live that way too.


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