Wednesday, June 29, 2022

"Once again I thank You; Once again I pour out my life"

I recently saw a scene in a movie that caught my attention.  Two coworkers were sitting down to have lunch; one was humming and the other cranky coworker remarked on it.  Specifically, she stated that she didn’t like when people hummed.  I don’t recall the exact dialogue but I think she went on to ask, “Why are you humming anyway?”  The response was something like: “I’m just in a good mood.”  “If you don’t like humming,” the coworker continued, “What if I whistled?”  “If you do that, I will break your lips.”  I guess at that point the happy coworker decided to stick with humming!

This scene resonated with me because I hum at work all the time – and I occasionally even whistle.  Why?  After all, there’s enough chaos, confusion, and suffering in life.  I’m not ignorant of this.  But I hum because, to quote the great old song, “I sing because I’m happy.  I sing because I’m free.  For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” 

On this special day – my birthday – I have another opportunity to give God all the glory and praise for who He is, and what He has done for me.  Without Him, I would be an empty shell; I would be devoid of joy, purpose, and without a song in my heart and soul.  Matt Redman once wrote a song that has been with me of late.  Here's a sampling of it:

“Once again, I look upon the cross where You died.  I’m humbled by Your mercy, and I’m broken inside.  Once again, I thank You; Once again I pour out my life.  Now You are exalted to the highest place, King of the heavens where one day I’ll bow.  But for now, I marvel at your saving grace, and I’m full of praise once again.”

In 1 Peter 2:9, we read, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation; His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”  Like so many, I was in darkness and sin, but God called me out of that into His light.  It makes me want to sing – even hum.


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