Wednesday, August 24, 2022

"Spider-Man 4" - Is it possible?

Once upon a time, after “Spider-Man 3” was released, “Spider-Man 4” was green-lighted and confirmed.  The cast and crew were all ready to return.  It was slated for a 2011 release; work went into the production for years.  But it was eventually cancelled, ushering in the Andrew Garfield era.  However, due to recent events, “Spider-Man 4” is apparently a possibility.  Let me organize my thoughts in this way.  To begin…

“Spider-Man 4” – How?

How is this possible?  Well, it gets complicated and involved.  I don’t want to get bogged down in all the details today.  It is sufficient to say, because of recent Marvel stories that were told, the door has been opened back up for a chance – remote as it may be – for “Spider-Man 4”.  Sam Raimi is willing to direct the film; Tobey Maguire is on board; and Kirstin Dunst has also expressed she would be available to reprise her role.

“Spider-Man 4” – Why?

Some wonder why a 4th movie would need to be made in the first place.  After all, the trilogy concluded back in 2007, and it ended on the hopeful note – Peter and Mary Jane choosing to forgive and reconcile.  So, why go down the road of a 4th Spider-Man film?  Well, even after all these years, I and many other fans, think another film is warranted.  There were enough minor loose ends that I would love to see tied up.

For example, in “Spider-Man 3” one of the storylines is Peter’s wedding proposal to Mary Jane.  But due to numerous obstacles that were thrown at them, this never happened.  I would love to see “Spider-Man 4” for several reasons, but one of my burning desires is to see Peter and MJ as a married couple.  These two have endured so much adversity; to see their proposal, engagement, and wedding (or even just to have it referenced in the film) warms my heart to contemplate. 

Other questions abound in my mind.  For instance, what kind of effect has carrying Peter’s secret identity all these years had on MJ?  Would they have questioned whether they should start a family at all, due to Peter’s secret identity?  Would they have children by now?  Would their children have spider-powers?  In short, this is not just a nostalgic wish to bring the gang all back together; there is a compelling story for “Spider-Man 4” just waiting to be told.

“Spider-Man 4” – What?

What kind of story might there be in this next Spider-Man film?  Of course, no one knows at this point.  But there is an intriguing story that appeared in the comics that might tie in well with the film.  In the comics, Peter and MJ had a daughter named May “Mayday” Parker.  May didn’t appear to have any spider-powers, until the age of 15.  But, like Peter, she used her powers for the benefit of others.  Ultimately, she sewed her own costume and dubbed herself “Spider-Girl”.  I was also fascinated to read that May or “Spider-Girl” even battled Hobgoblin; which would go well with Sam Raimi’s Goblin-themed villains. 

(By the way, I read the details of this storyline at this link; there’s a lot I omitted for the sake of brevity -     

“Spider-Man 4” – When?

When might this next film be happening?  Sony Pictures has been tight-lipped on this.  I suppose one just needs to stay tuned.  Right now, it’s just a wildly popular online rumor.  If someone were to ask me whether I think it will happen or not, I would submit that Raimi and Maguire’s “Spider-Man 4” probably won’t be made.  Even with all dominos that fell into place to get the possibility this far down the track, I don’t foresee it ever making it to the big screen.  I hope it is made. To see this 4th film would make me cry tears of joy right at the opening credits.  Yet to have the remote chance again, all these years later, makes me happy.


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