Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Coming soon in September

Back in July, I composed a blog that was basically just a teaser of blogs I was going to write later on that month.  I’ve decided to do that again today.  One of the reasons I wrote in that way then is the same reason I am doing so now: I was tired.  I had no energy other than to just give a preview.  Plus, writing in this way also gets it out of my head (the plight of someone who loves to write; it floats around in the brain).  So here I am.

First of all, not long ago, I was going to present a collection of blogs.  Initially, I was actually going to have it be a trilogy; then it soon became apparent that a 4th blog was necessary.  While I’ve already revised the trilogy angle, the subject matter is an important one. 

I was going to begin it with this question: if I had the opportunity to convey just one thing to you, before retiring from writing, what would it be?  Understand that would be impossible for me.  And if I were asked such a question, I would probably be like being the person who, upon finding a genie, wished for more than 3 wishes; in other words, I would ask for several blogs, not just one.  But even still, you get the point.  This is an extremely important subject matter that would certainly make my list, if I were asked to give just one last blog. 

Further, as I was preparing all of this in my head, a few noteworthy episodes in my life occurred; as matter of fact, one of them was as recent as today.  It became a confirmation of sorts that God was saying I need to go down this road.  I know, without any context, you can’t really resonate. But maybe it serves as an effective teaser for what I hope to present soon.

Secondly, and in conclusion for today, after I finally get all that presented, I would love to write on something that is long overdue.  I’ve repeatedly stated that 2004’s “Spider-Man 2” is the best superhero film ever made.  But in 11 years of this blog, I’ve never composed why I believe this.  Therefore, after singing the praises of 2002’s “Spider-Man” back in July; as well as the considerable space I’ve given to 2007’s “Spider-Man 3” over the years; and even a few blogs devoted to the Maguire-led “Spider-Man 4” (I am hoping on that film happening one day).  After all of that, an exploration on “Spider-Man 2” seems very much in order.  And, once again, long overdue.

To be continued!


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