Monday, November 7, 2022

Batman: the animated series turns 30

I want to take a break from the ‘hills’ blogs, and focus instead on something light and fun.  In 1992, an animated series was released that was a hit, and it is still highly regarded to this day.  I’m referring to “Batman: The Animated Series”.  For many, myself included, this incarnation of the Caped Crusader is the definitive version of Batman.  I’m going to present my top ten list of favorite episodes (limiting it to 10 made it more difficult; I could have easily given a list of 30, but I don’t want to belabor this.)  So, with that said, here is my list.

10. Joker’s favor

Charlie Collins cusses out the Joker in traffic.  Upon realizing who it is, he begs for his life.  Joker asks him for a small favor in return, but says he doesn’t know what it is yet.  Two years pass, and Joker never stops watching Collins or his family, even after Charlie changes his name and moves his family.  “I never lost you, Charlie, you’ve become my hobby,” Joker says.  This episode demonstrates Joker’s vindictiveness.  This is also the first appearance of Harley Quinn.

9. Tyger Tyger

A mad genetic engineer uses a serum that turns Selina Kyle into a half cat, half woman hybrid.  He did this to give Tygrus (a half man/half cat) a mate.  Selina refuses Tygrus, and only desires to be human again.  When Batman shows up, Tygrus desires to kill him, to win Selina.  Ultimately, Tygrus proves his love for Selina by obtaining the antidote to her condition, even though doing so means he will lose her.  Batman is his typical heroic self here, but kudos to Tygrus as well.

8. See no evil

Lloyd Ventrix steals a suit that grants him invisibility.  But the suit is poison and will drive the wearer insane.  Until putting this list together, I had no idea that Ventrix was voiced by Michael Gross.  This is a far cry from Steven Keaton on “Family Ties”, which further shows the tragic downfall Ventrix exposed himself to (and demonstrates Gross’ talent). 

7. What is reality?

Riddler episodes are always interesting.  He wants to prove he has the superior intellect, but Batman always outthinks Riddler.  In this episode, Commissioner Gordon is trapped inside Riddler’s virtual reality computer game.  Batman goes inside to save Gordon.  In the end, Batman outsmarts Riddler yet again. 

6. Almost got him

A fun episode that includes Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Poison Ivy, and Killer Croc all recounting stories about how they almost finished Batman off.  The twist comes when Croc is revealed to be Batman in disguise; it’s a clever ploy to discover the whereabouts of Catwoman; who the Joker kidnapped.  “I’m not bad with traps myself,” Batman says.

5. Over the edge

This is an interesting episode with Commissioner Gordon and Batman as enemies, as a result of Barbara Gordon/Batgirl’s death. The whole episode was revealed to be a nightmare in Barbara’s mind, from Scarecrow’s fear toxin.  But Barbara says she needs to tell her dad the truth.  Gordon cuts her off and implies that he already knows everything.  A fascinating look at the Commissioner Gordon character.     

4. His silicon soul

An artificial intelligence computer known as Hardac duplicates Batman.  When the robotic Batman thinks he murdered the real Batman, it sends him into a moral crisis.  The robot breaks free of Hardac’s programming and sacrificing itself to stop Hardac’s plan and save Gotham City.  Alfred summed it up well to Batman in the end, “It appears it would rather sacrifice itself rather than allow innocent life come to harm, rather like you.”

3. Heart of ice

Perhaps the best adaptation of the character of Mr. Freeze is in “Batman: The Animated Series”.  This episode is Freeze’s origin.  It is the story of Victor Fries downfall into Mr. Freeze at the hands of Ferris Boyle.  It is sad and tragic.  Also: the way that Batman stops Mr. Freeze at the climax of this episode is nothing short of brilliant.   

2. Beware the Grey Ghost

Simon Trent (voiced by Adam West) once portrayed a superhero named Grey Ghost, decades ago.  When bombings related to the old show begin, Batman and Trent, decked out in his old Grey Ghost attire, team up.  This episode showcases how superheroes inspire.  When Batman takes Grey Ghost to the Batcave, he reveals to Trent that the Grey Ghost was his hero as a child.  “So it wasn’t all for nothing,” Trent remarks. 

1. Perchance to dream

Perchance to dream” is my all-time favorite episode of “Batman: The Animated Series”. Bruce Wayne wakes up one day to realize his parents are alive, he is engaged to be married to Selina, and someone else is Batman.  But the whole thing is a dream-like illusion.  Bruce selflessly (and brilliantly) finds a way out of this illusion, even though doing so means saying goodbye to his ideal life.  An equally noble and heartbreaking decision.

(Please note that this last paragraph is written on 11/11/22.  When I decided to undertake the task of looking at this iconic series, I had no idea that a few days later, Kevin Conroy - the man who voiced Batman not just for this series, but in many other incarnations of the Caped Crusader over the decades - would pass away from cancer.  He was only 66.  This news fills me with sadness and grief.  You'll forever be in my heart, Mr. Conroy, for your incredible work as Batman.)


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