Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Celebrating Thanksgiving with a sad heart

Back in 2015, my mother and I were attending a Thanksgiving celebration.  It had been only a few months since my dad had passed away unexpectedly.  So when we went around the table and were asked to articulate what we were thankful for, I simply said that I was thankful for life itself; that my heart was still beating.  The truth is every day we wake up to face the day is a gift to be cherished.  I’ve been reminded of that on two separate occasions this month when not one, but two iconic actors, passed away.   

I’ve already brought up the passing of Kevin Conroy at age 66.  With due respect to actors like Christian Bale or Ben Affleck, the definitive Batman for me will always be Kevin Conroy.  In my recent list of top ten “Batman: The Animated Series” episodes, I mentioned how a young Bruce Wayne was influenced by a fictional hero named Grey Ghost.  Moreover, I was influenced by the fictitious Batman, voiced by Conroy.  There’s nothing wrong with being influenced by a fictional hero that spurs you on to do good.  As I continue to watch highlights of the decades of work this immensely talented actor gave us as Batman, I confess I have cried several tears.

Furthermore, on Sunday, 11/20, I read the news that Jason David Frank – Tommy Oliver from “Power Rangers” – died at 49 years old.  While I intend to write a separate blog of tribute to the character of Tommy Oliver, brought to life so brilliantly by Jason, I have already brought Tommy up a few times over the years in this blog.  For example, in 2017, I wrote a blog about when Tommy lost his Green Ranger powers.  Interestingly, a villain called Tommy “a gallant hero”.  It was all a mind game to break his spirits, but on the other hand, it’s telling to have an enemy give such words.  But how could you not?  Tommy is a legend, and probably the greatest Power Ranger ever.  The news of Frank’s death, once again, caused me to cry several tears.

I was reminded of a line in the 1988 film “The Land Before Time”.  The main character, a dinosaur named Littlefoot, had lost in mother when she sacrificed herself to protect him.  I don’t have to look this scene up to relay the details; I remember it vividly.  Littlefoot, fresh off losing his mother, bumps into a dinosaur named Rooter.  He laments the loss of his mother, and Rooter listens sympathetically.  In the course of their poignant discussion, the dinosaur says to Littlefoot, “In a way, you’ll never be apart, as long as you remember the things she taught you.” 

This statement makes me think of my dad, a heroic figure in my life.  I miss him, particularly at this time of the year.  His example, influence, and selflessness remains in my heart forever.  But it also makes me think of Kevin Conroy’s Batman and Jason David Frank’s Tommy.  I’ll say it again: it’s okay to be influenced by fictional characters if they inspire you to do good; and these two iconic characters do just that.  And so, Kevin and Jason will never be forgotten.    


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