Saturday, January 7, 2023

"A thousand hallelujahs, and a thousand more"

Happy New Year, reader!  I’m blessed to be able to share my heart with you for another year.  For this inaugural blog of 2023, I want to begin with an illustration that you’d expect from me – from the world of superheroes.

There’s a memorable story in the animated series “Justice League Unlimited”.  In part 2 of an exciting time-travel story titled “The Once and Future thing” an unforeseen meeting occurred.  Batman, thanks to some time travel craziness, actually meets himself as an old man!  In this incarnation, Bruce grew too old to wear the cape and cowl; instead he mentored Terry McGinnis – the Batman of the future.  In the episode, Terry manages to take the wackiness in stride, and he makes the introduction: “Batman, Bruce Wayne; Bruce Wayne, Batman.  Or have you met?”

This came to my mind when I recently had the opportunity to chat with someone that I used to know, but I have not seen in nearly 20 years!  Quite frankly, seeing this person was a shock; absorbing this encounter, in a sense, made me see myself back almost two decades ago now.  And that set my mind down a road that I could go on and on and on about. 

First off, somebody is going to be confused, so let me state definitively that my Batman illustration breaks down.  For instance, I do not think of myself as an aged Bruce Wayne.  That said however, I do have to acknowledge that I’m not a young buck anymore, either.  But with age has come clarity; I am more comfortable in my skin today.

Once again, I can’t possibly address everything I’d like to cover (honestly, I feel like I could write a lengthy academic paper right now).  For instance, if I had the space, energy, and time, I would reflect on how life feels like it is moving too fast.  I would go on to speak about how the people who said life is short, were absolutely right.  But even still, each passing day is an amazing gift to cherish.  Because, through losing important people to me, I’ve learned a hard truth: tomorrow is not a given.  Life is a gift that is extremely fragile.

Further, this whole experience makes me consider my own legacy.  The fact is, 20 years ago, I wanted to point to the great God of the universe; today, I still want to point to Him.  Somebody wants me to ask and answer this question: why?  Why not boast and broadcast myself instead?  Because to point to myself would be futile; I’m just a flawed, imperfect man.  It’s far better to boast in the Lord.  It’s better to boast in His goodness, grace, mercy and love.  Psalm 115:1 has been my heart cry for many, many years now.  It says, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name, goes all the glory” (NLT). 

Writing this content today has been interesting.  Once again, I could have covered so many more subjects than I did.  Perhaps in the coming days I will bring some of them up.  But for today, rather than compose an essay, let me just begin to wrap this up.  I love the song “A Thousand Hallelujahs” by Brooke Ligertwood (also known by her maiden name Brooke Fraser.)  “With a thousand hallelujahs, we magnify Your name; You alone deserve the glory, the honor, and the praise.  Lord Jesus, this song is forever Yours.”  I quoted these lyrics for this final line: “A thousand hallelujahs, and a thousand more.”  This resonates with me; over the years I’ve probably lifted up a thousand hallelujahs to God, but what I’m so thrilled about is I intend to lift up a thousand more!  Because He is worthy of it all!


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