Friday, December 30, 2022


It’s a staggering thought that, in January, I will have been blogging for 11 years!  Even though it’s a few days early, I wanted to speak on this milestone today.  I shake my head in amazement at how different I am now as compared to 2011.  Of course losing my dad in 2015 changed me forever, but there are other less dramatic examples. 

For instance, I had the thought that Dad would be surprised at how seldom I stay up past Midnight.  I used to always be a night owl who stayed up into the wee hours of the night.  Today, I won’t even attempt to stay up to Midnight to usher in the new year.  One reason for this is because I usually get up early for work.  The very day I’m writing these words, for example, I was in at 6 AM. 

I’ve also been thinking about difficult events that I’ve endured in recent months and years; events that would shock the Kevin from 2011.  For instance, today is the one-year anniversary of the worst fire in Colorado history – the Marshall fire.  A part of me doesn’t even want to bring this up; after all, in many aspects, I got off easy, as there was no damage to my house or workplace.  However, this haunting day was close enough to my world that it is one I’ll never forget.  I’ve seen firsthand how this blaze turned the lives of so many upside-down, and sadly this is still the case a year later. 

Furthermore, over the years my heart has been plunged into mourning when important figures in my life passed on.  Men like Billy Graham (my spiritual father, as it were, his voice is the one God used to save me; he passed away in 2018).  Or the Christian singer known as Carman (another light in the world; he passed away in 2021).  Of course, I mentioned my dad; I still miss him to this very day.   And because I’m a superhero fan, I’ll never forget 2022 as both Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank passed away.  I ought to write about the healing gift of grief, but that’s for another day. 

So, yes life is different since 2011.  But there is one thing that has not changed: my love, passion, and relationship with the God of the universe!  I want to point, in word and deed, to God.  Why do I not practice revenge, bitterness, or retaliation when hurt by others?  Because God’s Word prescribes forgiveness.  Why choose, in a ‘just do it’ world, to put off sex until marriage?  Because God’s Word prescribes abstinence until marriage – and fidelity in marriage.  Why look after my widowed mother?  Well, aside from my love for her, God says to look after widows in their time of trouble (James 1:27).

In conclusion, I recently completed the ‘hills to die on’ blog series.  If there was an epilogue I could add on to that, I would submit, something for which I would give my life, would be this: it’s not about me; it’s all about God.  2 Corinthians 5:15 says, “And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them, and rose again.”  I can assure you, without the Lord, I am nothing.


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