Thursday, November 2, 2023

Praising God in a very stormy 2023

2023 has been a difficult year.  I’ve documented some of what has occurred: for instance, in August I likened that portion of 2023 to Humpty Dumpty falling off of the wall.  I felt like that storm shattered me into a million pieces.  And, as the rhyme goes, all the king’s horses and men couldn’t put me back together, because as I heard a preacher rightly declare, “Only the King Himself can put Humpty back together.”  That’s what God did for me. 

Then, a few months ago, I was thrown into another massive storm when a sickness put me in the hospital.  After being diagnosed with an ulcer, internal bleeding and anemia, I was thrust, once again, to an intense road of suffering.  Even now, I’m sidelined, and still unable to return my old routine.  As I’ve battled moments of sadness and discouragement during these months, I’ve told myself inwardly a hundred times that there is hope; hope in a great God who has been faithful to me in days past, and to this very day, continues to be.

But, in the midst of all of that, today I find myself reeling from a new episode of stormy weather.  It’s too fresh for me to go into detail now – that’s for another day – but it left me spent and literally shaking.  What do you do when this new development occurs?  I mean, 2023 is already a year I will never forget for the rest of my life, and then to have this new stuff on top of it all.  It leaves me reeling and overwrought.  In the throes of this, I made the choice to look to God in trust, surrender, and worship, even though life hurts.  Such a choice is not easy or automatic.  But it’s as I heard a worship leader declare years ago; he said, “The proper response is worship.”

Someone needs these words.  You find yourself in the midst of a difficult year as well.  It’s been one painful circumstance after another.  And you find yourself weary, fearful, and despairing; wondering what’s next.  There is hope for you today.  The Bible speaks of “lay[ing] hold of the hope set before us.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast” (Hebrews 6:18-19).  In context, what is being spoken of here is God’s reliability, faithfulness, and trustworthiness.  Back in August I quoted these great words from Superman: “Even in the darkest times, hope cuts through.  Hope is the light that lifts us out of darkness.”  That’s my prayer for anyone who reads this content today.

Back in June of this year, Brandon Lake released his powerful song, “Praise You Anywhere.”  It begins this way: “Sometimes you’ve got to dance through the darkness, sing through fire, praise when it don’t make sense.  Sometimes you’ve got to stare down the giant, worship from the lion’s den…I’ll praise You anywhere.  Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise, in the highest.  Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise, in the highest.  He is worthy, yes, He is worthy of all of the praise.”  And then there’s this stanza: “Faithful all my life, blessings day and night, countless reasons why I’ll praise You anywhere.  Every promise kept, goodness every step, each and every breath, I’ll praise You anywhere.”

God bless,


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