Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023: The year I will never forget

As the final hours for 2023 tick off, I find myself astonished at everything that has transpired in my own personal life this year.  I could go on and on detailing some examples, but of course, the biggest thing that happened was when I was found myself in a hospital emergency room, closer to death’s door than anyone ever could have imagined.  Today I find myself so grateful to be alive, and so pleased to be able to welcome in 2024.

It was only a few weeks ago when I first heard Toby Mac’s marvelous song “Faithfully”.  The song was released in 2022, but it captures what I’ve endured in 2023 so well.  The song begins with these words:

“It’s been a long year; it almost took me down, I swear.  Life was so good.  I’m not sure we knew what we had.  I may never be the same man; I’ll never feel like I felt before.  It’s been a hard year; it almost took me down.  [Chorus] But when my world broke into pieces, You were there faithfully.  When I cried out to You, Jesus, You made a way for me.  I may never be the same man, but I’m a man who still believes...In my darkest hour, You met me, so quietly, so gently.  You said You’d never leave, and You stood by Your word.  So quietly, so gently.  In all my pain, You met me.  You said You’d never leave, and You stood by Your word.”  

Amen!  First off, as this song states, I also declare, in no uncertain terms, that while I may look like the same man, I’m not who I was a year ago.  Secondly, I also echo that even though 2023 introduced one fiery trial after another, through it all, God has been so faithful to me.  I wanted to forever inscribe to you here that I’m humbled by the Lord’s faithfulness, kindness, and goodness to me.  Not because I deserve it, but because of His grace – His unmerited favor – that never ceases to amaze me.      

In conclusion, back in June, I came across a social media post from Russell Wilson; essentially, he said that God is in control, even in the bad days, and to trust in Him.  In the throes of another trial at that time, Russell’s words encouraged me so much that I wrote the quote out, and I still have it with me to this very day.  So thank you for that, Russ (I probably shouldn't say this, but I confess I’m salty that the Broncos will likely part ways with him soon; 26 touchdowns, and 8 interceptions in 2023 isn't too shabby; I’m rooting for him in 2024).  The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Yes, the path may be rocky and treacherous, but I’d rather walk a difficult path with God than an easy one without Him any day.

God bless,


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