Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thirteen years later

As we get into 2024, I just wanted to take a moment and point out that this blog is officially a teenager.  It was back in January of 2011 that I began blogging, and now – quite unbelievably – it’s 13 years later. 

Over the years, I’ve written on a wide range of subjects because I have variety of interests (which is evident to see when you view my updated profile, under the “about me” area).  I’ve written on things like chivalry.  I’ve written on sports, usually NFL football (although I confess this interest has lost a bit of its luster, perhaps due to the fact that the Denver Broncos, my hometown team, has just suffered another losing season; that makes 7 years in a row, if memory serves).  And of course, I’ve written extensively on superheroes; my love for superheroes is just a part of who I am. 

Ultimately, however, what I’m all about is pointing to the God of the universe, Jesus Christ.  The overarching goal of my life, what I hope to be remembered for, is someone who declared (both in word, but also through my example) the goodness, grace, and transforming power of God.  I don’t do this perfectly.  I fail, falter, and fall.  In fact, I even thought about calling today’s blog “I’m no Superman” referring to a line from a song by Lazlo Bane, popularized by the theme song from the TV show “Scrubs”, but decided not to do so.

I may not be the same person I was when I began blogging back in 2011.  I wrote extensively about how my father’s unexpected death in 2015 changed me.  It’s true.  A difficult loss like that inevitably changes you.  Furthermore, I’ve documented how 2023 was a difficult year for me.  I even went so far as to declare that I’m not even the same man anymore.  While there’s a lot of truth to that, one thing hasn’t changed.  In 2011, my passion was to write content that pointed to God, and as I submit this first blog installment of 2024, I have the same passion.  In fact, in a Christmas themed blog in 2011, I stated that if just one person saw their need for Jesus through what I wrote, and subsequently believed in Him, I said that I considered it “the privilege of my life.”  Today, I still feel the same.

God bless,


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