Saturday, August 10, 2024

Initial August reflections

My plan was to submit multiple posts as we entered August, yet here it is the 10th; things didn’t pan out like I anticipated.  God had other plans, apparently. It’s a good reminder of how whenever plans are replaced with God’s, defer to His.  I’m just glad to have the opportunity to submit content, even if it’s not as frequently as I would.  That’s not even what I wanted to talk about today.  With those personal remarks out of the way, let’s move on.   

Whenever I listen to Rebecca St. James song “In the middle of the fire” (from her album “Kingdom Come”) it is an interesting experience, because my mind floods with visceral memories.  “In the middle of the fire, I will trust You, Father.  In the middle of the fire, You are standing with us.”  This refrain has particular relevance: “In the midst of my darkest hour, Holy Spirit come show your power.  In the middle of the fire, You are faithful Jesus.” 

To hear these words makes my mind go to two of the most difficult episodes of my entire life, each absolutely shattering, and each occurred in the past 18 months or so.  I bring it up today for two reasons.  Number one: the older I get, the more I see that life is a precious gift, but it is also filled with difficulties and pain.  The Bible says, “Yet man is born for trouble as surely as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7).  Number two: I echo the sentiment from the song: in the midst of my darkest hours, God has been faithful.  I could go on and on detailing various episodes in my life, and no matter what has come upon me, I can enthusiastically testify to you that God has been faithful.

Incidentally, the Lord has been faithful to me and, far too often, I have been anything but faithful to Him.  But in those moments, God doesn’t angrily chide me, and tell me to stand in the corner until I think about what I’ve done for a while.  He welcomes me back with open arms.  In Psalm 3, the Psalmist calls God “the lifter of my head.”  I love Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God…that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.  Years ago, in a college paper, I likened God to a patient coach, who views the tape of episodes in my life, like a coach watches game footage. With His arm around me, He patiently says, “That’s not so good here, Kevin.  But don’t dwell on it; let’s move forward.  It’s on to the next series.  I’ll work with you, we’ll clean that up, and you’ll get there.”

In conclusion, I was recently listening to a talk by Billy Graham, a hero of mine; I look forward to thanking him for introducing me to the Lord in Heaven.  He shares in that talk that someone had asked him what was a big surprise in his life, his answer: the brevity of life.  I can relate with that.  Somehow here I am in my forties.  Time is fleeting; life moves so fast.  Therefore, I would say please don’t delay in making important spiritual decisions.  “Turn to me and be saved…for I am God, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:22).  Or perhaps Joel 2:13 is a word for someone: “Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate.”  If there’s one thing I know it is this: the most thrilling adventure imaginable is to live a life connected to the God of the universe, named Jesus.

God bless,


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