Sunday, August 28, 2011

The gift of laughter

We live in a serious world today.  In every newscast, we learn about something else depressing that has occurred.  It gets extremely disheartening after a while.  Plus, we have the normal deadlines, stresses, and responsibilities that pile up on us.  My point is that life can get overwhelming at times.
What a wonderful thing God provided for us when he gave us the opportunity to escape the pressures and challenges of daily life simply by laughing at something humorous!  Yet I think a lot of us take this fantastic gift for granted.
I’ve learned from personal experience how wonderful this gift of laughter really is.  I love to laugh. Sometimes I’ll get towards the end of the day, and I’ll think to myself, “I need to laugh.”  So I’ll put on something light, humorous, and entertaining, such as a DVD of a TV show from yesteryear.  By the way, I didn’t plan on saying this, but if you really want to laugh, one of my favorite sitcoms from the past is the show “Perfect Strangers” with Bronson Pinshot and Mark Linn-Baker.
The Bible actually says that a merry heart is like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22).  There really is some sort of medicinal property when we laugh.  There’s something therapeutic and healing about laughter. I believe that’s why God gave us this great gift in the first place!  He knows how difficult life can be at times.  He knows that we need an occasional escape.  I love this quote by comedian Milton Berle: “Laughter is an instant vacation.”


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