Monday, February 25, 2013

Allegorical images clarified

In my last blog installment, I presented chapter three of the allegory that I recently wrote for a school assignment.  Today, I want to share the events of my life that I was trying to capture in that particular section. 

First of all, in the story, Believer is attacked by Malady and the attack results in significant blood loss.  In real life, when I was a boy, I developed a kidney disease that resulted in blood in my urine.  After a few months of dealing with this, the doctors informed my parents and me that my kidneys had “worked out the issue.”  They also went on to explain that most patients who develop this kidney disease do not usually make such a recovery.  Typically, the patients have to go on dialysis for the rest of their lives.  In short, God healed me!

Secondly, Believer is so weak from blood loss that he leans against a fence that gives out and he falls into a lake.  Just in case you were wondering, the fence doesn’t allegorically represent anything.  I actually merged two events of my life into one story.  In real life, it was several years after being healed from the kidney disease.  I was playing in a pool, batting around a beach ball; it went over to the deep side of the pool.  As a young boy, I didn’t know how to swim.  I was grasping the side of the pool trying to get the ball, but I lost my grip.

I wanted to capture how helpless I felt in that moment in my allegory.  Believer’s attitude of complete hopelessness was how I was feeling in that pool.  Candidly, I was absolutely convinced that I was going to drown.  Just when I was about to under, I quite vividly remember feeling as if someone pushed me from behind.  This push helped me get to the edge of the pool so I could get out.  To clarify: there was no one in the pool with me; I was completely alone (unfortunately, my babysitters were completely oblivious to my situation).  I truly believe that it was an angel that rescued me!  No, I didn’t see the angel with my physical eyes, but I am convinced that God sent one of His angels to aid me, because it wasn’t time for me to leave this Earth yet.

Part 4 of my allegory is coming (God willing) in the not too distant future, but I wanted to give you those words of explanation today.


“Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!  So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you”” - Psalm 66:3 (NIV)

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