Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Leaving a legacy

I’ve been thinking about the subject of legacy. This is not a new exercise for me; I do think about leaving a legacy periodically, but it came to my mind again this week for several reasons. The first reason is because, my pastor, Bill Oudemolen, spoke of the topic in his sermon this past Sunday. The sermon was actually titled “Lasting Legacy”. It was the conclusion of a sermon series on the life of Aaron, the brother of Moses.

Another reason that I have been thinking of legacy is because, this week, I stumbled upon some you tube videos from the ministry of Rick Ferguson serving in his role as pastor of Riverside Baptist Church. I was a member of this church, and I, like the rest of the congregation, was plunged into grief when Rick died unexpectedly in 2002 at the age of 46. His ministry had a profound impact on my parents and me. It was good to walk down memory lane in these videos.

I think it’s healthy to consider about what kind of legacy we want to leave. Everyone will leave a legacy, whether we want to or not. Everyone will leave an enduring memory or impression on others. Some may not give any thought to a legacy at all, but we will leave one, nevertheless.

When I think about my own legacy, I think about 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Glorifying God is the motivation of my life. It’s what I want my legacy to be all about.

How about your legacy?


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