Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wave the white flag to God

One of the radio stations that I listen to has recently started playing a new song by the Christian group Unspoken called “Lift My Life Up.” This is a song about surrendering to God. It is such a fantastic song! Every time I hear it, the message resonates with me. Every time I hear it, I offer a deep, heartfelt cry of surrender to God.

The dictionary defines the word surrender as “to give up possession of; yield to another on compulsion; to give up or abandon; to give oneself up, esp. as a prisoner.” Chris Tomlin actually has a song about surrender entitled “White Flag” and I think that’s a good picture for us. It’s a voluntary yielding of your life to God.

The last few years, God has been teaching me firsthand about the subject of surrender. The big lesson that God has been bringing home to me lately is this: surrendering to God is not a one-time thing. You don’t just sing a great song like “Life My Life Up” or “White Flag” or “I Surrender All” and then never surrender again. I’ve found that surrender is a recurring event. I’ve learned that surrender is a daily choice.


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