Friday, October 18, 2013

Musings on marriage

October 18th is a very special day for two of my friends. I’m not going to directly mention any names because I don’t want to embarrass anyone (you know who you are!), but it is their wedding day! I’m so happy that this day has finally arrived. I hope that they not only enjoy their wedding today, but also that they enjoy married life together.

It’s interesting to contemplate that the very concept of marriage is God’s idea. Way back in the Garden of Eden, before sin was even introduced into the world, God saw that the very first man, Adam, was lonely (Genesis 2:18). God, in response to this, makes the very first woman, Eve, and He brings her to Adam (Genesis 2:22).

At this point, I try to imagine Adam’s response upon seeing Eve for the first time. I can picture him absolutely mesmerized by Eve and her beauty. I imagine him not being able to take his eyes off of her; finally he gently takes her hands in his. What a scene it must have been!

I’ve heard it said that God Himself performed the very first wedding ceremony. I agree. This makes sense particularly when we read these words soon after Adam meets Eve: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). That last phrase of becoming “one flesh” doesn’t just mean becoming one sexually. It means becoming one emotionally, spiritually, and yes, physically. It means a joining of two separate lives that are now merged together into one.

It saddens me to hear how some spouses talk about each other after several years of marriage. For example, I hate it when a husband calls his wife “my old lady.” I don’t feel the love and respect in that designation. I want to encourage all of you married couples to view your spouse as a gift from the hand of Almighty God (James 1:17). Honor, treasure, and value your spouse; he/she is a gift to you.


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