Saturday, December 14, 2013

Some thoughts on the Superman sequel

I’ve been keeping an eye on the developments to the sequel to the “Man of Steel” (due out in 2015). For one thing, Batman will be in it! It will not be Christian Bale, unfortunately; it is actually Ben Affleck who will be the Caped Crusader.

When I first heard this news, I had serious doubts that Affleck was a good choice for Batman/Bruce Wayne. But the more I think about it, the more I think Ben has the potential to do a good job. I’ll give him a chance. Furthermore, last week, I heard that an actress named Gal Gadot was cast to play another superhero in this movie named Wonder Woman. I actually had never heard of Gadot until I heard her name for this particular casting decision.

As I think about all these new developments, I have to say that I personally think it is too soon to unveil these characters on the big screen. The Superman franchise was dead for so long and they finally were able to resurrect a new franchise with the thrilling “Man of Steel” movie. I’ve heard that one of the keys to a long running movie franchise is the quality and strength of the sequel. So why jeopardize it by having the sequel feature a new Batman, a new Wonder Woman, and whoever else they will ultimately showcase?

For example, consider if the film "Iron Man 2" had introduced Captain America and Incredible Hulk in the same movie. That would have been interesting, but it would have made the movie feel too full; plus, it would have been difficult to fully establish these new characters; finally, it would have ultimately distracted from Iron Man himself. That’s not how it was done. The filmmakers chose to give these heroes standalone movies.

In my opinion, they should have given Superman one more movie to fight evil alone, before introducing us to other heroes that he will share the spotlight with. My hope is that the gamble to introduce so many new characters won’t backfire and put the Superman franchise back on life support. Time will tell.


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