Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The miracles of Jesus

I once heard a preacher comment that Jesus was born like any other man and He left this Earth through death like any other man. I vehemently disagree with this comment.

To begin, Jesus’ birth was unlike any other in human history. Jesus was born of a virgin. Stop and think about that a moment. Mary gave birth to Jesus, but she didn’t get pregnant through sexual relations. How is this possible? Because with God the things that look impossible, humanly speaking, are very much possible. No one else can honestly claim that they were born of a virgin. But Jesus can make such a claim because His miraculous birth from a virgin’s womb is factual and true.

Jesus also didn’t leave this Earth through the avenue of death. It is true that Jesus died a bloody, torturous death on a cross. He died a death that was one of most violent deaths imaginable in that day (and it ranks high on the list in our day as well).  But Jesus didn’t stay dead; Jesus literally and bodily rose from the dead.

Over the centuries, so many people have tried to explain away Jesus' resurrection.  Some have claimed that Jesus somehow survived the crucifixion, but they don’t understand the brutality of a crucifixion. They don’t understand that the Romans would not be so careless with their victim. To the contrary, they would be thorough. They would be absolutely sure that their victim was dead and gone. The truth is, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an undeniable miracle that has never been disproved by anyone.

Pastor David Jeremiah once stated that Jesus’ Earthly life was bookended by two miracles: Jesus was miraculously born from the womb of a virgin; and Jesus was miraculously resurrected from the dead. So in conclusion, this pastor that I mentioned at the beginning was wrong: Jesus wasn’t born like any other man, and He didn’t leave this Earth through death like any other man. Jesus is unique.


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