Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A simple but true thought

The reality of the Super Bowl is someone is going to lose. I know that’s an obvious and simple thought, but stay with me on this one. While I certainly love the idea of having a Super Bowl, I have to admit that every year I always have a tinge of sadness for the team who loses. Think about it. Here is a team that fought, battled, endured blood, sweat, and tears only to lose in the Super Bowl.

What makes it worse is that the losing team is generally remembered as nothing more than a failure (if they are even remembered at all). All that hard work; all the success they enjoyed to get to the big game, but then you lose and you are relegated to being considered nothing more than the loser. This is really unfortunate. They should be remembered as the best team in their conference.

In fact, as many of you NFL fans know, for years in the NFL there was no Super Bowl; the AFC would have their championship game and so would the NFC, and the season would end there. There was an AFC champion and NFC champion and that was it. But then someone had the idea to have the winner of the AFC and the winner of the NFC play each other in what was coined the Super Bowl. This was, of course, almost 50 years ago. While it was a great idea, I think as a result of that decision, today many fans undervalue and denigrate the overall reputation of the team that loses the Super Bowl rather than applaud the fact that they made it to the big game in the first place.


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