Monday, January 20, 2014

A 'super' Super Bowl matchup

Well, the matchup for Super Bowl 48 is set. It is very exciting that the AFC will be represented by the Denver Broncos. Denver will square off against the Seattle Seahawks on February 2nd.

In the two weeks leading up to the game, I’m going to write several different blog installments about the Super Bowl, some of the players involved, and eventually I’ll offer up my prediction for who I think will win (although I’m sure you can already guess who I’ll pick).

For today I just wanted to express my congratulations to both the Broncos and the Seahawks for making it to the final game. It should be a great contest. Being a Denver native and Bronco fan since I was a very small boy, I’m obviously biased toward the Broncos and will be rooting for them to win, but I’m also happy for the Seahawks for getting to the big game as well.


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