Sunday, March 30, 2014

"As for God, His way is perfect"

Six weeks ago, I began attending a new small group Bible study with my church. We meet on a weekly basis to discuss the sermon that was preached. In one of our meetings, I said to the group that one of the things that I hoped would be a part of my legacy was that I was known as a person who trusted in God.

I’m not just talking about trusting in God for my salvation here, although that’s certainly a vitally important aspect of it as well. But specifically I’m referring to the fact that God’s plan for a life can sometimes differ significantly from the plan we envision for ourselves. I said to the group that I hoped someone would say of me, “Kevin had plans for how his life might look, but he chose to submit to God’s plan, because he had the full confidence that the Lord’s way is always the best route to take.” I love Psalm 18:30: “As for God, His way is perfect.” And all God’s people said “amen”!

I’m reminded of the song, “Jesus, take the wheel.” I’ve chosen to let God drive the car of my life in the direction that He desires. By the way, I think I’ve said this in this blog before but it’s worth repeating anyway: I’ve found that when you make this choice to let Jesus take wheel of your life, He will drive the car through rugged terrain. The route will often be rough, bumpy, and treacherous. I often pray a prayer to God that, in effect, sounds something like this, “Lord, this way isn’t all that comfortable. I confess I’m feeling unsettled, disconcerted, and uneasy. I don’t know why You are choosing to take me this way, but I trust in You and Your plan. Ultimately, it is a joy to go Your way.”

Let me quote Psalm 18:30 again this time in its entirety: “As for God, His way is perfect. The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” (NKJV). To be sure, His way is not the easy way, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that His way is the best way, the perfect way. This isn’t just a flowery sentiment for a blog installment; this is the firm conviction of my heart.   I don’t know what I would do without this assurance.


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