Monday, March 24, 2014

"Come Lord Jesus"

Recently, I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Paul Bouton on the radio as I was driving home from work one evening. He was preaching on Revelation 22. In this chapter, Jesus says, “I am coming soon” three different times. He says it in verses 7, 12, and 20. In verse 20, the Apostle John responds to Jesus by saying, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” Bouton humorously remarked that if you look at the Greek words of John in verse 20, it’s translated “hurry hurry.” Of course, this was a joke. It was really an allusion to the words of Peyton Manning at the line of scrimmage with the Denver Broncos offense.

The reference made me chuckle, but it speaks to a deeper reality. The truth is, Jesus is coming back again, just as He promised in His Word.  I find myself saying in response, “Come Lord Jesus. Hurry hurry. As You know, it is an absolute mess on planet Earth. There’s chaos, heartache, burdens, tribulation, and seemingly unbridled wickedness here. Please come back so that I can be with You forever.”

To be clear, life on this Earth can be good. God has given us many gifts that are to be enjoyed here and now. In fact, every day that we wake up to face another day is a gift from Him. But, having said this, I believe that our best day on this Earth is nothing compared to the exceedingly great existence every Christian will enjoy in Heaven.


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