Saturday, December 6, 2014

My analysis of 2003's "Daredevil"

In “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie” the main villain, Ivan Ooze gives this memorable introduction; he says, “I am the…globally reviled, universally despised…Ivan Ooze.”  If there was ever a superhero movie that is “globally reviled” and “universally despised” it is “Daredevil” starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

Recently, however, I watched this film again, and I find myself completely speechless in an attempt to explain why so many hate this movie with a passion.  I found “Daredevil” to be entertaining, riveting, and fun.  It has everything that you could ever ask for in a superhero movie.  The action is excellent; the story is good; and the cast is brilliant.  I do think that this film has a few flaws here and there, but it is nowhere near as bad as so many people have claimed that it is.

Speaking of the cast let me bring up Ben Affleck, the man who portrayed Matt Murdock otherwise known as Daredevil.  Many have criticized Ben’s performance in this role.  I personally don’t understand how anyone can say that Affleck was bad in “Daredevil”.  You can dislike the plot of the Daredevil movie, or the supporting characters, or whatever else, but Affleck himself portrayed the title character quite admirably.  His performance is vastly underrated.

Some of you are saying, “Kevin, if Daredevil was so good, why wasn’t there a sequel?  After all, it seems every superhero movie has a sequel.  Daredevil was so bad the filmmakers didn’t even think about making a sequel.”  My answer is while there may not have been a sequel, there was a spin-off film.  It was the movie “Elektra” starring Jennifer Garner.  If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that I previously wrote that “Elektra” is, at least in my opinion, the worst superhero movie ever made.  That’s saying something because there have been a lot of bad superhero movies!  I submit that “Daredevil” didn’t murder the franchise, “Elektra” did.

In conclusion, I feel like I’m swimming against the tide of popular opinion by suggesting that “Daredevil” is a much better film than its undervalued reputation would lead you to believe.  At the very least, I’m hoping that I’m able to persuade some of you to re-evaluate this film and give it another chance.  Maybe it’s not as bad as its numerous detractors would suggest.  I certainly found that to be the case for myself anyway.


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