Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The final blog for 2014

As 2014 nears its end, I’m feeling reflective.  I’m contemplating what transpired in 2014, and looking ahead to what God has in store in 2015.  I actually looked back at all the blogs I wrote in 2014.  I hope you enjoyed reading my words half as much as I enjoyed writing them.  This blog is really a labor of love for me.  I have to say, once again, just how humbled and honored I am that you would take the time to read my work.  Thank you!

I noticed that I didn’t write an April 24th blog this year.  So I want to say a few brief words about this event now.  For those of you that don’t know, on April 24th back in 1982, God literally and miraculously saved my life as a baby.  Praise the Lord!  Psalm 139:16 says that God “ordained” (as the NIV puts it) all the days of our lives before even one of them came to be.  It wasn’t my time yet that day.  The truth is, every day is a gift from God.  In Isaiah 42, it says that God gives life and breath to the inhabitants of the Earth (verse 5).

As I look forward, one thing is certain: I will continue to be writing blog installments in 2015 (God willing).  I think I’ve used this Chris Tomlin quote from his excellent book “The Way I Was Made” 100 times in this blog already; here’s number 101: “We were created to shine the spotlight on God.”  That’s what I want to do in 2015 and in the subsequent years.  I want to “shine the spotlight on God.”  Not just in a blog (although that’s certainly an important part of it), but in every facet of my life.  Why?  Because God is worthy of that spotlight; He is the majestic, powerful, awe-inspiring God of the universe.  It’s not about Kevin Bauer.  It never has been, and it never will be.  It’s all about Him!

Happy New Year, everyone!


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