Sunday, March 13, 2016

The amazing career of Peyton Manning

Back on Monday, Peyton Manning officially announced his retirement from the game of football.  I haven’t had time to write a few thoughts on Manning’s career until now.  But here it is finally.

I’ve often thought of Peyton Manning as the Batman of quarterbacks.  What do I mean by that?  One of Batman’s greatest attributes is his keen mind.  As a Batman fan, on numerous occasions, I have seen Batman defeat his opponents simply by outsmarting them.  Batman’s brain, his study, his preparation, and his research aided him in his success.  Doesn’t that sound like Peyton Manning?  Manning even said in his press conference on Monday, “There were other players who were more talented, but there was no one who could out-prepare me.”  That was evident as you watched Peyton Manning outwit his opponent seemingly week after week, and year after year.

Very seldom did you ever outsmart Manning (or “the Sheriff” as he’s affectionately been called).  He knew what the defense was going to do before the ball was snapped.  He could read coverages like a book.  It was absolutely mind-boggling to behold.  He truly was a master of his craft.

It was such a joy to watch Manning play the game.  I could go on and on today.  I could bring up my favorite memories of number 18.  I could bring up his time with Indianapolis where I rooted for him and his Colts to win.  Or I could bring up the wonderful memories from Peyton’s four years here in Denver.  But instead I want to pose this question: is Peyton Manning the greatest quarterback ever?  Some will point to Joe Montana, Dan Marino, or Tom Brady.  These are worthy candidates, to be sure.  And the debate will probably rage on forever.  But, as I see it, no one changed the quarterback position like Peyton Manning.  I submit to you that Peyton is the greatest quarterback to ever play the game of football.


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