Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Batman v. Superman": the good, bad, and bizarre (part 1)

I feel like this review of the new Batman/Superman movie is long overdue.  It came out a while ago now (back on 3/25 to be exact), and I’m sure some of you are interested in my opinion of the film.  I say this because several people on the street have already asked me what I thought about it.  This is a subject matter that is on people’s minds.  I’m going to divide this review into two blogs, because there is way too much to try to condense it all into one standalone blog.

My blog title sums up my thoughts on this film.  There are good, bad, and bizarre aspects.  It’s a mixed bag.  The way I’ve chosen to do this is convey the bad and bizarre today, and then I’ll conclude on the high note of the good elements next time.  So, if part 1 of this review depresses you, stay tuned for part 2.

To begin, there are moments that are bizarre in this film.  You sit there thinking, “What in the world is happening?  Why would they decide to throw something in that is so random?”  For example, Batman has incredibly bizarre dreams.  At one point, he dreams that is about to obtain some kryptonite in the desert.  To do so, he runs around with a machine gun mowing countless people down (something Batman would never do, of course), only to discover that he was set up; the kryptonite is gone.  He is subsequently captured; then, Superman (also very out of character) uses his heat vision to kill Batman, after murdering several other people who were guarding him.  This causes Batman to wake up.

Or at least that’s what we think at first.  While the scene shifts back to the Batcave, we actually are in another dream.  This one is even more bizarre.  A random character shows up in the Batcave.  He starts babbling to Batman how he was right; and that Lois is the key.  At one point, this fellow asks if he is too early.  He is apparently some sort of novice time traveler.  Finally, Batman does wake up, but the audience is left without any context of who this guy is, or why he came.  Speculation abounds, but the fact remains, we don’t see this mysterious figure for the rest of the movie.  And it’s never mentioned again.  It’s just another bizarre occurrence that leaves the audience scratching their heads.

But it’s not just Batman’s dreams.  Clark, in a low moment after an episode of failing to save some lives, decides to process it all by going to on a trek to the arctic.  As he is walking, he comes up on a man.  We discover that it is Jonathan Kent.  Clark and Jonathan have a nice conversation, Clark’s spirits seem lifted.  But the question remains: why and how are they talking?  Jonathan Kent died in the last film!  Was it a ghost?  Was it Clark imagining what Jonathan would say?  To make matters more complicated, Jonathan concludes his conversation by telling Clark how much he misses him.   Within the next few moments, Jonathan is gone.  Once again, no explanation or answers.

What about the bad elements?  Well, there’s more that I could say here than I will actually be saying.  There are moments that bothered me.  For example, there are massive plot holes that should have been better executed.  Ultimately, however, most of them are relatively minor, so I don’t see a need in airing them.

The biggest thing I want to mention is Superman’s attitude.  First of all, Superman goes through a lot in this film.  He is distrusted and debated for a large portion of this movie.  I understand that he would be shaken by these negative occurrences.  Anyone would.  But, having said that, I didn’t like how Superman was so unsure of himself and his mission.  My brother (a huge Superman fan) told me that I had to look at this in the context of the incarnation of the Superman being viewed.  This isn’t the Tom Welling or Christopher Reeve adaptation.  I get that.  But even with that in mind, no Superman would ever say what he actually said in this film.  In one scene, he said to Lois, “No one stays good in this world.”  I’m sorry, but that’s not the inspirational, exemplary Superman that I’ve come to know and love.

To be continued!


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