Monday, April 11, 2016

"That's what God can do"

A few years ago, my dad presented me with a CD that I consider a priceless treasure.  He had converted various important events from my childhood (that were originally recorded on cassette tapes) into one singular CD.  It included when my parents dedicated me back to the Lord in January of 1985.  It also had the time when I sang the song “God Bless the U.S.A” in front of a large audience in July of 1987.

Another track in this invaluable CD was when my parents sang a song celebrating God’s healing touch in my life when I was a baby.  In August of 1988, Mom and Dad sang this song in a church (as they did many times over the years).  Before they sang, Dad gave an introduction to the crowd.  I was so thrilled that he chose to include his words that day on the CD.  Since his words are preserved, I am now able to share how my dad, an eyewitness of this event, shared the story.  Here are his words:

“It’s a pleasure to be with you folks this morning.  We’re going to sing a song that is very dear to our hearts because it is a song that we wrote thanking the Lord for healing our oldest son, Kevin.  A lot of you may know the story, most of you do that we’ve seen in person or people on the radio.  I’ve told the story several times.  But just for those of you who have not heard the story, I’ll tell a brief recap before we sing the song.

We were blessed with a child after 7 years of marriage.  And he had Infantile Spasms, which we had never heard of either.  But it leaves the child totally retarded, in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, possibly with a helmet.  To relieve the pressure, the child I guess pounds his head against the wall or whatever.  It wasn’t a pretty picture whatsoever.

We, of course, took it to the Lord.  We also took him to one of the best specialists.  This doctor had had 400 other patients at the time with the same disease, Infantile Spasms.  And none of them had ever come out of this disease.  This is what we were faced with.  This was supposed to be Kevin’s future.  Not able to walk, talk, run, sing, play, do all the things that children do.

We took him to the hospital several times.  He was in and out; I don’t even remember how many times he was in the hospital.  But the last time we took him, he was at the point of death.  He was turning blue.  His heartbeat was totally irregular.  It didn’t look like it was supposed to.  It had all kinds of funny little [blips on the machine].  It just was not right.  He was at the point of death.  And at the point, we didn’t see the hand of God come down, but the hand of Jesus came down and touched our little boy and healed him totally.  And today he is a normal child.  He’s the one sitting behind Stan, with the glasses.  Nothing wrong with him at all now.  He’s 100 percent boy and normal.

That’s what God can do.  We didn’t do it; the doctor didn’t do it; God did it.  And we have not stopped giving God the glory; thanking Him for what He has done in the life of Kevin.”  After concluding his introduction, my father began playing the piano, and my parents sang a beautiful duet of this special song.  I’ve included a picture.  While this was taken at another occasion that they sang together, it gives you an idea of how it looked on that day in 1988.

I know that just seeing the words on a screen doesn’t give it the full justice it deserves, but here are the lyrics to the song, nevertheless.

“[Chorus] You healed our Kevin, You healed our son.  You gave him a future to walk, talk, and run.  We want to thank You for all You’ve done.  Oh, Jesus, we thank You, for healing our son!

You gave us a baby, then the picture grew dim.  They gave us no hope, no future for him.  The Death Angel hovered to take him away, but then You touched him, You healed him that day!

[Chorus] You healed our Kevin, You healed our son.  You gave him a future to walk, talk, and run.  We want to thank You for all You’ve done.  Oh, Jesus, we thank You, for healing our son!”

This song was written in December of 1982.  The healing event being described occurred on April 24, 1982.  I’m with my dad; I’m not going to stop giving God all the glory for what He did for me all those years ago!

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