Saturday, April 30, 2016

"Batman v. Superman:" The good, bad, and bizarre (part 2)

Previously, I mentioned the bizarre and the bad aspects of the new Batman/Superman film.  Today, I want to conclude my thoughts with the good elements.

The first good aspect I want to bring up is Ben Affleck’s performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman.  Many questioned that he would do a good job in this role, but he proved them all wrong.  He knocked the ball out of the park.  He is absolutely riveting in this role.  He is arguably the biggest highlight of the movie.  Moreover, this is the most intimidating Batman that I have ever seen on the big screen (or small for that matter).  That’s not to disrespect or minimize the other actors who have played this role.  But this is truly a Batman that you don’t want to cross or take lightly.  You don’t want to meet this Batman in a dark alley.

Good element number two: the entire movie seems to be building towards the fight between Batman and Superman (hence the title of the film).  When it finally does happen, their fight does not disappoint.  It perfectly captures the strengths of both superheroes.  It’s the ultimate heavyweight fight between two all-time greats.  I also believe that this battle is exactly how a fight between the two would go.  I’m not going to reveal the details, but I also love what happens to show the two men that they are on the same side.  I think it is pure brilliance on the part of the movie’s writers.

The next thing I love about this film is the character of Superman in the end.  To clarify, I still stand by what I said about Superman’s attitude in the last blog.  But, ultimately, he shows himself to be the hero we all know that he is.  That’s my Superman.  That’s the Superman that inspires us to be better.

-Spoiler alert; I’m serious this is a major spoiler; don’t read the next paragraph if you haven’t seen the movie and you want to be surprised.  You have been warned

I’ve decided that I want to spell out exactly why I speak so highly of Superman in the final battle.  A major threat emerges: the formidable villain known as Doomsday.  Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman all battle Doomsday; ultimately, Superman himself defeats the beast.  But in doing so, he dies.  The Man of Steel chooses to give his life basically to save all of humanity who would have been killed by Doomsday.  Superman displays his heroism, selflessness, and valor to everyone.  Furthermore, he shows the watching world that he is a type, and a picture of Jesus Christ.  This is further evidenced by the fact that this film was released on Good Friday.  Is this fact a coincidence?  Perhaps.  But this notion is strongly implied throughout the film, too.  In fact, Lex Luthor actually calls Superman “God” more than he calls him “Superman”.

– Conclusion of the spoiler alert –

There’s more that I could say about the good aspects of this movie.  For example, I could describe how I liked the character of Wonder Woman; and how I thought Gal Gadot did an admirable job in the role.  I could mention the impressive fight scene where Batman singlehandedly takes on a group of villains to save a hostage.  Or I could detail how I like that the film sets up an upcoming Justice League movie (to the uninformed, the Justice League is team of superheroes consisting primarily of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg).  But rather than keep on going, let me just sum up my thoughts.

Is “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” the best superhero movie I’ve ever seen?  No, not by a mile.  But neither is it the worst one, either.  As I said in the last blog, this film is really a mixed bag.  There are great moments, and there are moments that, to put it delicately, aren’t so great.  However, in the end this film is entertaining.  What more can someone ask for than that?


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