Friday, May 27, 2016

A blast from the past

I recently listened to a CD that my dad originally gave me as a gift way back in the year 2000.  It was very strange to remember everything that was happening to me at that time, and to contrast it with where I am today.  It was like a time warp transporting me back to re-visit teenager Kevin.  (I’m sorry, I like time travel plots.  The idea of past Kevin meeting future Kevin intrigues me.  But try to stay with me on this one; I know it’s a little weird.)

Things have sure changed a lot in my life since then!  The biggest example, of course, is the unexpected passing of my dad.  That’s an event that past Kevin never would have predicted.  But there are other facets of my life that would surprise teenager Kevin as well.  For instance, he would be shocked that I’m not married yet; he would be surprised at how long I’ve worked at the job I currently have.  And he (or I) would be flabbergasted that I’m actually writing a blog today.  All I’m trying to say is God has written my life in a way that is very different than I would have ever envisioned.

The CD that my dad gave me as gift in the year 2000 was an interview with Christian Artist Rebecca St. James.  At one point in that interview, Rebecca said these words: “Trust that God loves you more than you can ever dream or imagine.  [Trust] that He has the most incredible future for you imagined; that’s beyond comprehension to you right now.”  Can you see, in light of this time warp imagery I’m using, how stunned I was when I heard her say those words?

I’ll be honest with you: when I think about the road of life that I’m walking right now, “incredible” isn’t necessarily the first word that I would use to describe it.  No, it’s painful.  It’s difficult.  It’s exhausting.  But I can also confess with complete truthfulness that I’m at peace with where I am in my life today.  I can say this only because of my trust in God.  God is in control.  The late Pastor Rick Ferguson used to say, “If we knew what God knows, we would always want what God wants.”  This is the life God chose for me.  I accept His will for my life. 


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