Thursday, May 12, 2016

The most famous verse in the Bible

Today’s blog is going to be shorter than normal, but I had the thought that John 3:16 is familiar to so many.  I don’t think I even need to quote it here because most know this verse by heart.  But I wonder if some of you have unintentionally let the familiarity rob you of the power of John 3:16’s message.  There are amazing, powerful, life-changing, truths found in John 3:16.  And yet some miss it.  I don’t want that to be the case for you, beloved reader.

Therefore, I’m going to ask you to pull out a Bible, flip it to John 3, and read John 3:16.  Pretend like you have never read the verse before.  Let its revolutionary message wash over you.  Bask in this amazing verse from the Word of God.


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