Friday, May 20, 2016

My father's love and protection

Before I dive into the main content, let me express some personal sentiments to you.  I have to admit that it’s frustrating to me that I cannot write in this blog as regularly as I would like to.  Aside from the brief blog I wrote a week ago, I haven’t written anything in May.  Life is busy.  Plus, I’ve been sick; so sick in fact that I actually missed four days of work due to a particularly nasty virus.  I’m on the tail end of it now, but I was sicker than I’ve been in years.  I wanted you to know the frustration that I feel.

Anyway, as I shift gears, let me share that one of the things that I have been doing in my limited free time is watching the TV show “Smallville”.  The show ran for ten years, but I prefer the later seasons for several reasons.  One of which is because in the latter years Clark Kent is learning how to walk the path of life without the presence of his Earthly father, Jonathan Kent.  This is something that I can obviously relate to.

In an episode of the tenth season entitled “Homecoming”, Clark is confronted by a mysterious character who shows Clark glimpses of his past, present, and future (sort of like all of the ghosts from “A Christmas Carol” wrapped up into one individual).  This strange fellow starts by showing Clark the past.  Specifically, he shows Clark Jonathan Kent’s last moments before he passed away; an event which he calls a “defining moment” for Clark.  I know from firsthand experience that to lose a parent is indeed a defining moment.

I couldn’t help but think of my own father when Clark’s guide describes Jonathan Kent’s love and devotion for Clark in this way: “We always have a choice.  Your father didn’t have to care for you the way he did, yet still he made that choice every day he was with you.  He chose to be your protector, just as you’ve chosen to be the Earth’s protector.”

Like Jonathan Kent, my dad chose to protect me (as well as anyone else in his family).   As I continue to navigate life without him, I can feel his absence.  My dad isn’t here to protect, love, and care for me anymore.  Because of this fact, I sometimes feel like Captain America without his shield.

Let me make an important disclaimer: by writing like this, I’m not implying that I never looked to God for my protection when Dad was with me.  I knew that protection ultimately was from God, not from any human being.  I embraced looking to the Lord for daily strength, help, and sustenance.  And my father was more than happy about this fact.  Having stated this, the fact is, Dad willingly chose the role of being his family’s valiant protector.  He would often swoop in, like a superhero, and save the day, as it were.

But now that he is with Jesus, I have had to learn to look to God to father me.  The Bible repeatedly speaks of how God will be a Father to the fatherless.  For instance, in 2 Corinthians 6:18 we read, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty.”  This is a precious truth from the Word of God.  I can attest to you from life experience that God will definitely father those who are fatherless!


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