Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Presidential election thoughts

I have never in my lifetime seen a Presidential election like this one.  It seems to me like these two candidates not only vehemently disagree with each other, but they also can’t stand being in same room together and having to share the same air.  It’s been so vicious and nasty.  I thought this was highlighted when, in the second debate, the question was asked, “can each of you say something nice about the other?”

There are several comments that I want to make about politics and the election today.  First, I want to encourage everyone to vote.  It is such a precious gift that we in the United States of America have the opportunity to choose our leaders.  Don’t stand on the sidelines.  The other day, I saw a bumper sticker that said something to effect of, “I’m not voting for either candidate.”  While I concede that both candidates have troubling issues, we can’t let that persuade us to give up and not vote at all.  You play the hand you’ve been dealt.  Vote.  Vote your conscience.  Vote for the candidate that most closely lines up with your convictions and values. 

Back in December of 2013, I wrote a blog called “Where is your hope?”  In that blog, I mentioned several examples of where people can put their hope.  I don’t want to rehash the whole blog again here (I’ve included a link if you are inclined to re-read it), but if I were to amend that blog, I would include the arena of politics.  It’s so easy to get swept up in putting all of our hope and trust in our preferred party or candidate getting into the White House.  Psalm 42 gives us excellent advice: “Put your hope in God” (verses 5 and 11).  The old hymn says, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”

The other day, when I was cleaning the dining room at my work, I noticed that someone had left a small pamphlet behind that they obviously didn’t want entitled “Who America Needs”.  It was put out by a ministry called “Moments with the Book.”  I was in full agreement when I read these words: “The main problem we have in America is the same issue which has plagued mankind since the beginning of history – the problem of sin in the human heart.  Despite our best efforts, we will not find the remedy to this problem in any policy or president.  There is only one person who has the answer for sin…He is Jesus the Son of God.”  As I said, it’s important to vote.  But don’t put all of your hope in trust in politics.  Put your hope and trust in the God of the universe who is in complete sovereign control.


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