Sunday, October 23, 2016

Trusting God in the midst of life's surprises

The pilot episode from the TV show “Frasier” has been on my mind of late.  In one scene, a woman calls in to Frasier’s radio show, distraught over the loss of her relationship with her boyfriend.  “I’m a mess,” she says in tears.  “It’s been eight months.  The pain isn’t going away.  I think I’m in mourning or something.”  Frasier answers her with compassion, “Claire, you are in mourning.  But you’re not mourning the loss of your boyfriend; you’re mourning the loss of what you thought your life was going to be.  Let it go.  Things don’t always go as we plan.”  The irony is Frasier was the one who had a dream of what his new life in Seattle was going to be; it differed significantly from anything he could have ever imagined.  It took Frasier the whole episode to be at peace (somewhat) with the unexpected turns in his life.

Frasier, and his dad Martin, dreamed of a certain kind of future, but life circumstances played out very differently for both of them.  I can resonate.  I’ve used this quote before, but I love it and it’s worth repeating.  Barry Allen (A.K.A. the superhero known as “The Flash”) once said, “Everyone secretly thinks they have figured out what their life is going to be like.  But what no one ever considers is that life has its own plans for you, whether you like them or not.  And so you’re left with a choice: you can either embrace the change and move forward, or fight it and be left behind.”

Even though I am not in the same predicament as Frasier’s caller, Claire, Frasier’s words to her still impacted me.  A part of the grieving process for me was the realization that not only would I have to face a future without my dad, but I was also losing what I thought my life was going to look like.  The landscape of my life has changed forever.  I’m in a life chapter that I never could have envisioned.  But I put my hope, trust, and confidence in God and His will for my life.  I say to God what it says in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done.”


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