Saturday, December 10, 2016

Are you in a storm of life?

If you are still looking for a Christmas gift, I would like to recommend Tim Tebow’s new book “Shaken” to you.  The subtitle is “Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms.”  As I said in the last blog, storms are an inevitable part of life, Christian or not.  In this book, Tebow candidly speaks of the storms of his life, and how God sustained him through it.  Let me give you a quote to whet your appetite:

“One day, according to the world, I’m on top of my game, adored, praised, and respected.  And the next, I’m at the bottom of the heap, cut, criticized, and torn down.  You know what I’ve learned in the process?  How important it is not to allow either the highs or the lows in life determine who you are.”
A little later in the same chapter, he says, “While many know about my career highs, few know about the lows.  Like having to learn that God’s plans are better and bigger than mine, feeling torn about the future, and working through my dreams being shattered after being cut from three NFL teams.  I admit, writing this book hasn’t been easy.  It was tough to relive some painful memories.  But I’ll say that in those places of doubt and even darkness, I’ve realized that who I am has nothing to do with wins or losses, applause, or negative criticism.  It has to do with whose I am.  Knowing this I can live out what the king of ancient Israel wrote in Psalm 16:8:

I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

In the endorsement section of this book, Judah Smith, a pastor, writes, “Whether or not you’ve followed Tim’s career, Shaken speaks to something we’ve all had to deal with – trusting God when the plans for our lives don’t work out as we expected.  Tim shares his journey from the Broncos to the Jets to the Patriots and beyond with refreshing honesty.”  I hope you will consider adding this book to your collection.


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