Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas prayer

Just as I did at Thanksgiving, I want to share a prayer that my dad gave on the radio.  It is a tremendous blessing to have this prayer in my possession (this particular prayer blew me away, so get ready).  It is also a blessing to be able to share it with you.  The legacy of my dad’s life, as I see it, is his faith in God.  May these words inspire us to live a life of faith and trust in the God of the universe, as he did.  By the way, this content was originally delivered back in 2005.
“Father in Heaven, we bow at Your feet and give You honor, praise, and adoration.  Today, as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ, we bless Your name and give You praise, as You are the reason for this season.

Just as the shepherds were thrilled at the Christ child’s arrival, we cannot help but long for the time when Jesus will come again and You’ll receive us unto Yourself, where we’ll worship and serve You, eternally.

Today, Father, as You are aware, many people are hurting.  We know that this is the hardest season for many people, because of their circumstances.  Lord, we pray that You will be the lifter of their heads, help them to somehow see beyond their circumstances and rejoice in You today.  Comfort, heal, and bring forgiveness where it’s needed, Father.  

God, we thank You for embracing the widow or widower today, the lonely, and the heartbroken, and for making Your presence real to them, in the midst of a trying time.

We pray for families that are gathering together.  Even in the midst of celebrating Christmas, trouble and tension may come to the forefront.  Please help them to be at peace.  Help them to rejoice in the differences of the way in which You made people and families; to embrace those differences, and not let them be a stumbling block.  Help people to hold their peace and to put a guard at their lips, as You have instructed in Your Word.

God, again, we rejoice in the birth of Jesus.  Thank You that He came to Earth as a baby, to be our sacrifice, and that through Him we might have eternal life.  We worship and celebrate the birth of Your Son.

It’s in the strong, precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen.”

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